Saturday, April 22, 2023

U.S. Public Becoming More Pessimistic On The Economy

CNBC: Public pessimism on the economy hits a new high, CNBC survey shows 

 * A record 69% of the public holds negative views about the economy both now and in the future, according to the latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey. 

* President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell by 2 percentage points to 39% and his disapproval rating rose by a point to 55% compared with the November survey. 

* Just 24% say now is a good time to invest in stocks, also the lowest reading in the survey’s 17-year history. 

Amid persistent inflation, higher interest rates and recession worries, Americans have never been more negative about the economy, according to the latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey. 

A record 69% of the public holds negative views about the economy both now and in the future, the highest percentage in the survey’s 17-year history. 

The survey of 1,000 people nationwide, with a margin of error of +/-3.1%, found that about two-thirds of Americans say their wages are falling behind inflation, and two-thirds say the nation is headed for recession or already in one. 

The fallout from these negative views is hitting President Joe Biden’s approval rating. 

His overall rating fell by 2 percentage points to 39% and his disapproval rating rose by a point to 55% compared with the November survey.  

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WNU Editor: This is probably the number one reason why Americans are becoming more and more pessimistic on the economy .... "Buy Now, Pay Later" Mania Sends Americans Deeper Into 'Black Hole' Of Debt (Zero Hedge).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fast food apps have resorted to allowing you to finance an $8 burrito over the course of 5 months in order to maintain sales. I keep hearing that some commenters want to see the decay before they'll believe it's happening. Open your eyes and look in any direction.