Monday, April 24, 2023

White House Preparing For The Possibility That The Ukraine Counteroffensive May Fail

U.S. President Biden And Ukraine President Zelensky 

Politico: Biden’s team fears the aftermath of a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive  

Behind closed doors, the administration worries about what Ukraine can accomplish. 

The Biden administration is quietly preparing for the possibility that if Ukraine’s spring counteroffensive falls short of expectations, critics at home and allies abroad will argue that America has come up short, too. 

Ukraine’s ever-imminent counteroffensive will attempt to retake Russian-seized territory most likely in the east and south, though for operational reasons no senior officials from Kyiv have detailed specifics. 

Publicly, President Joe Biden’s team has offered unwavering support for Ukraine, pledging to load it up with weapons and economic aid for “as long as it takes.” But, if the impending fighting season yields limited gains, administration officials have expressed privately they fear being faced with a two-headed monster attacking it from the hawkish and dovish ends of the spectrum.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Here I am thinking that I am the only one who has no confidence that this much talked about Ukraine counteroffensive is going to succeed. It appears that many in the White House are also sharing the same opinion with Politico and other media outlets.

And this should surprise no one. 

We are now facing a situation where Ukraine is going to throw its best soldiers up against a Russian military that is not only deeply entrenched and waiting for them, but also backed with superior artillery firepower and control of the skies. 

Sighhh .... I have trouble seeing how this could end well.


Anonymous said...


come on, guys - lets have some peace.. this is just stupid.. I also don't want anyone to die on the Russian side. Lets go for those demons who always put us to fight each other.

Anonymous said...

No shot they throw in all their best soldiers. The frontlines are mainly territorial defense forces; old men and people that were dragged out of their hiding spots by the "recruiters". They fight to the last because they're commanded by a tiny core of extremely hardened officers, but they're not the men who want to fight. Two weeks basic, two mags on the range, and you're sent out on the front.

Anyone with actual promise (and approved bloodlines) is being put into the nationalist battalions and sent abroad for 2-6 months training. There are supposedly 5,000 Azov guys left, with ~10,000 still off being trained in Poland/Germany/UK/etc.

I highly doubt that Azov throws even half of that into this offensive. Those guys are meant to shape the fight for Western Ukraine once the front has collapsed.

Maybe nobody seems to have confidence in this thing's success because they're being told by the best that they're not going to throw all-in on it.

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy wtf Joe biden sleep ,sleep, sleep ,on your hidden agenda .another American failed war remember ww1 ww2 was won bey many country's not just America like you think .once again NK will destroy South korea ,China NK Russia will take over Taiwan. And destroy Japan Australia, Russia will flatten UKRAINE. With the help of NK, China. Then Poland Germany France gone destroyed ,Middle East izrail on 🔥. Canada will be occupied buy China. Making it easy to completely scortch and nuke America nothing will be left .all because of dems and Republicans fight fight argue .sleepy Joe hidden agenda killed any freedom the world had .if nato let's ukrain loose my prediction is bey August 2023 south korea is gone Australia Japan are next .and Canada will see sighns of a China creeping in on are goverment .

Anonymous said...

washington dc will fall

Kim Chee said...

Sleepy Joe meantime won against Slump, and will again unless Slump in jail.
The US (the UN) did not lose in Koren War. We beat back a takeover by communist north, aided by commie China. and there is a cease-fire now at the original deviding line (38th parallel).
In fact the comments thus far amount to drunken sputtering.

Anonymous said...

Kim Chee is a known Lapides sock puppet.

The problem is that syntax-wise Lapides seems too lucid given his age and past writing performance.

Anonymous said...


that is not very nice. You do know who the hell this guy is.

BTW. notice that the censor ship has gone away in the last few weeks. Got any ideas on what happened or is happening?

have a good day.

Anonymous said...

A blog that still does not know how US releases statements. This blog might need to undersrand and acccept more how statements are released.

Anonymous said...

How can you possibly beat a country Like Russia on its doorstep while trying to maintain these obvious war rules that are in place. It's just all messed up. The same will happen when China takes Taiwan. Unless you cut the head off the dragon or the bear from the start, to cut the losses, then we're all going to be in the shit.... Including those prepping in Canada. Unfortunately it's looking more and more like our days are numbered. Yes us, our, we.

Anonymous said...

How are we even taking about a counter offensive by Ukraine??Kiev was supposed to fall in 3 days…

Anonymous said...

4:01 Ah, girly girl is back with his wanker comments. He/she prefers to be a gossiper than put any ideas here, for ore against what others or I have said.
Mommy finished giving you your
din din?

Anonymous said...

You do know who the hell this guy is?

He has a limited vocabulary and repartee, which is odd considering he is or he claims to be a former, retired English professor from the CT system. Maybe his limited vocabulary is due to his impending decrepitude. He use to use his google account in the past and mix it up with witty (for 3rd grader) sock puppet names, when he posted semi-anonymously. He also frequently linked back to his not safe for work website.

It could be someone is using the guys name here and copying his rather pathetic vocab.

His arguments are all from the New York times and Washington post with occasional referrals to places like the Daily Beast, Slate, The Atlantic etc. If a sanctified expert says something, he believes it heart and soul, because he cannot work out the math or science on his own.

To give him credit, he used his google blog account to post until 5 or 6 years ago, people like you or you were one of them dogpiled him. Your brief is to ridge shotgun for WNU. if it is not that, it is just pure sadism on your part.

Fred was undereducated. You, you do not have that excuse.

Note: I equated the Kim Chee post with Fred. He replied at 6:35 and confirmed that I know his sordid, pathetic style. That is again either Fred or someone pretending to be him.

BLOBBER, SKODA (you), BLOBBER (also you?), Lapides and various other freaks, it makes actual upper level work like differential geometry seem interesting. One prof told me he liked the stuff merely because it was beautiful or something and it also paid the bills. I find it interesting, but if not current use is fund for such theory, my attitude is put it on the shelf as a developed object for alter date when you might need it.

Why might a person need topology? To keep the lights from going out permanently?

Anonymous said...


You writings are confused as always. The guy in "One flew over the CooKoos nest" makes more sense than you.

Anonymous said...

Its just Skoda, being Skoda. Another day, another nonsensical argument.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LoL Go ahead and show yourself in the frontline. Your keyboard is not helping you. Crybaby lol

Anonymous said...

7:31 PM

look at me! look I know some stuff!
ain't I great?
ay attention to my cleverness and ignore others but call them names and I am the outstanding cause, well, look what I learned and know.

Anonymous said...

"ignore others "

I don't ignore James, Chris, Fuquhar, Dov Sar, Goldstein, Alex, the Swede and some others.

Yes, you do think you are stupid and you deserve the news.

Have not seen Chris in over a month, but as he mentioned WNU is a propaganda platform now. Maybe it always was intended to be one and previously he was in sleeper mode or data collection mode.

Either you are not who you say you are in which case keep complaining about the appropriate appellations or you are who you say you are and the name sticks.

Anonymous said...

Chris is a dork who used chat bot to write his comments. You think this is a propaganda platform. Go somewhere else. Tough luck