Tuesday, April 11, 2023

White House Warns Journalists Not To Report On Leaked Pentagon Documents

Zero Hedge: 'No Business In The Public Domain': Kirby Warns Journalists Not To Report On Leaked Pentagon Documents 

Biden administration and National Security Council spokesman John Kirby addressed the media on Monday, asking in so many words that pretty please would journalists not report on the trove of highly classified documents which were leaked online. 

"This is information that has no business in the public domain... It has no business... on the front pages of newspapers or on television." But Kirby is a bit late, given already days ago major outlets from the NY Times to Washington Post to foreign outlets like The Guardian and RT have widely reported on them. They classified reports have circulated widely on English-language and foreign social media as well.  

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WNU editor: For the most part most Western news organizations are not posting specific details from these leaked documents. Just saying that a lot of top secret documents have been found on social media sites.


Anonymous said...

What happened to the it’s just “Russian disinformation” narrative? Guess not eh lol

Hans Persson said...

It's not, it's a operation fortitude variant.

Just think. All of the info released here the Russians already knew. Everything.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. What happened to freedom of the press?

What happened to the peoples right to "Know"??

These people are fascists.

Hans Persson said...

And guess what happens now?

Tighter cybersecurity laws 👍

Anonymous said...

freedom of the press and the right to know do not encompass highly classified materials.

Hans Persson said...

The things that I've seen from there "revelations" was more or less known. Especially the mole close to Putin. Non of these stuff has real value and this Kirby dude needs to get an Oscar.

Anonymous said...


And who decides and how do you know

Anonymous said...

Leaks like this are in enemy hands long before the press has even heard about it. Gimme a break.

Russian authorities and media have already forgotten about this story. Meanwhile it’s been the headline story in the western press for almost a week and White House officials keep bringing up how serious and dangerous the leak is.

This is because, regardless of who leaked it and how useless the information actually is, it’s a wonderful opportunity to scaremonger away the criticism of the restrict act.

Kirby didn’t say that because he actually thinks the Russian general staff are getting their cues from the front page of the NYT. He said it because the administration wants to remind you that we’re all at risk until your digital rights are diminished.

Anonymous said...

make up stories for fools

Anonymous said...

Probably will be new Emmy category.
Best Federal Departmemt Spokesperson