Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Who Are The Richest Resource Countries In The World

WNU Editor: IMHO Canada is richer with resources than Saudi Arabia. But this is a good snapshot on who has the resources, and more importantly, the means to develop and extract what they have.


Anonymous said...

Russia’s Accident-Prone Aircraft Carrier Has No Crew

So Russia has all these resources and ...

Why can't that carrier get under way?

The ship has to get underway otherwise the carrier has to pull in for another overhaul.

That is the ship will get metabolic disease.

Jimmy said...

Yes some of these countries are rich with oil money, but do they have anything else?
I would rather have Australia’s diverse amount of resources than rely on a depleting oil field.

What does WNU editor think the future holds for oil with new advancements in ‘clean’ energy and alternative modes of fuel eg Hydrogen, electric ect
What will happen to countries that solely rely on this commodity to survive?

Obviously we are talking about a possibility that won’t happen for another 50 years but always love to hear the editors thoughts on such topics especially renewable energy!

Hans Persson said...

We can't convert to renewable energy, if that's what you're asking. We never could.

Anonymous said...

When you consider all the hoops of fire and land mined obstacles a company has to go through to expand a resource or develop a new one in Canada, Should or even be on the list?

Anonymous said...

Canada may be rich in resources, but they are also led by effeminate pussies who will not develop them because they are afraid to exploit "mother earth" and contribute to "global warming"! LOL what a joke of a nation. The leaders, not the people I mean.

Anonymous said...

It’s the people who put them there though. Trust me, plenty of twisted weirdos out there who vote for turdball with nice hair.

Anonymous said...

Since Nixon no one with bad hair has been elected president. President Ford was appointed. Trump may not have a good head of hair, but he combs it over and is very attentive to it.

Rush Limbaugh remarked the following about Senator Schumer when questioned about how such a dope like Schumer could be elected. He said do not underestimate the hair and the pearly whites.

Watch the movie Shaka Zulu. When Shaka Zulu gets older and is given hair dye what does Shaka do? He was a great war leader and his position should be based on his record. Yet outside of vanity maybe he felt the need for the hair dye. that movie is fictional, but did the writers or director base the scene on written records or make it up?

Trudeau has good hair. It does not put money into the pockets of Canadians in general.

I do know when dogs of various breeds are bred for looks such as fur coloration and skeletal dimensions, other traits get short shrift. You can end up with a good looking idiot dog. It happens with dogs; it could happnw with people.

Hans Persson said...

Interesting argument.

Anonymous said...

Yes, kinda like how dogs of different races of the same species can have have very discernible and measurable differences in levels of intelligence and capabilities. This could explain a lot about what is happening in western society with humans. Wink wink

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail has run articles on the effects of breeding n various breeds over the past 100 years. They show picture form 100 years ago and now. There is a difference

When a trait or gene (or say allele of a gene) is highly conserved it means it does not change. Every other gene can change but not that one. you see that word in discussing biology of various species. Traits that are highly conserved are usually the ones that keep individuals of a species form dying or becoming lunch.

Had a pure bred Japanese breed of dog. it ha a sir and dam that had papers. The paperwork might have gone further than that. The pup we bough had a good physique and a good coat. It was dumb as a box of rocks. The mutt we adopted off of the street was much smarter. It looked like a mutt but it was smart. It was an excellent rat killer and very good beggar.

The purebred was sold at a loss. The buyer was told that the dog had problems but not what kind. the buyer wanted his money back. The buyer was told "no." The dog would come back for a walk and drink its fill of water and then proceed to throw up all over 3 or 4 times. Never changed. The dog kept going after chickens. It stuck it head through the chicken wire time after time. It never learned.

People are a variety of animal. We might be special, but those problem that purebred animals have could happen to people.

Better to have a 7 with brains than a 10 with no brains.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Argentina should be there if is about all resources not only energy .