Sunday, April 16, 2023

Why The US Keeps On Trying To Land Oversized Cargo Planes On Aircraft Carriers At Sea (Video)


WNU Editor: I learn something new everyday.

Hat tip Instapundit.


Anonymous said...

Ivan cannot unrep. Ivan can do everything else. Do not underestimate Ivan. 3 takeaways.

Death to Ivan

Anonymous said...

Russia 'bombs church' in Ukraine on Orthodox Easter Sunday as Putin and huge security team join worshippers at service in Moscow led by top bishop ally of the president


Orks 'bombs church' in Ukraine on Orthodox Easter Sunday as Warlord Putin and huge security team join worshippers at service in Moscow led by top bishop ally of the president

Anonymous said...

Now tell us how many churches were burned down in
North America so far this year by progressives

Anonymous said...

So if so if a whackjob in the USA burns down a church that gives permission for Putin or you to blow up an Ukrainian church?

Anonymous said...

Tell us what was in church

Anonymous said...

Nothing that has to do with this topic.

Anonymous said...

It's not about the plane, it's the pilot lol

Anonymous said...

Just saying bombing and burning churches seems to be in fashion these days. So don’t get your panties in a knot Over one little church in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

What church got hit in Ukraine? The only church I know being molested over there is the ones the SBU have taken over in recent weeks as part of Zelinski's war against freedom of religion

Anonymous said...

There are two Orthodox Churches in Ukraine. One is independent and reports to the patriarch in Turkey, the other church reports to the Patriarch, a spy, in Moscow, who reports to the patriarch in turkey.

The latter one has steeply declining in membership for the past 8 years. A raid on a seminary found Russian propaganda.

Not hard to do the math.

You are still right where I want you.

Anonymous said...

Pork is poroschenko

Anonymous said...

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill spied for KGB in Switzerland

Anonymous said...

If they were targetting the church everyone would be dead.

More like they were targeting a military installation next to the church

Anonymous said...

Maybe, maybe thier aim sucks or cannon barrels are worn out. But the main point is that as of right now 10:06 And 4:03 are liars. No such story of Russians bombing church exists

Anonymous said...

They are a bunch of blood thirsty monsters and have the nerve to call the Russians orcs. They want to see orcs? All they got to do is look in the mirror. There they will find them

Anonymous said...