Monday, April 10, 2023

Will The U.S. Bomb Mexico To Decimate The Drug Cartels?

Politico: GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl  

Republicans suggest everything from terrorist labels to an invasion to decimate drug cartels in Mexico. 

A growing number of prominent Republicans are rallying around the idea that to solve the fentanyl crisis, America must bomb it away.

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has discussed sending “special forces” and using “cyber warfare” to target cartel leaders if he’s reelected president and, per Rolling Stone, asked for “battle plans” to strike Mexico. Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill seeking authorization for the use of military force to “put us at war with the cartels.” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said he is open to sending U.S. troops into Mexico to target drug lords even without that nation’s permission. And lawmakers in both chambers have filed legislation to label some cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, a move supported by GOP presidential aspirants.  

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WNU Editor: I would not recommend this course of action.


Anonymous said...

Mexico has been screwing us for years. I say bomb them to smithereens.

Anonymous said...

The cartels have long been an existential threat, but the government seems either to care little or simply can't (or won't) do anything about it. Give them an ultimatum (which they will ignore), then blow the cartels to hell one by one. Mexico still relies on the U.S. enough that we should at least still retain a bit of leverage with them. The message: DON'T SEND YOUR SHIT TO US, OR WE WILL DESTROY YOUR SEWAGE SYSTEM. That's kinda how the real world works.

fazman said...

Cant believe we agree lol

Anonymous said...

Why would the US send its own military to fight the CIA? The drug war is a war on US citizens.

Anonymous said...

Democrats might do it

Sam said...

lol that's the solution to everything. shoot it with a missile. How sad.

Anonymous said...

40 years late & a trillion dollars short. Once America starts another new war it will drag on for years. The USA is already at war with Russia. No way will the USA prevail in a big world war with Russia, China, Iran & Mexico unless they go nuclear & risk killing us all. American targets like shopping malls would be routinely attacked by the cartels.......

Anonymous said...

You want to do this?

You see how corrupt Mexico is, just like Ukraine or Afghanistan?

This is not just a possible black hole. IT is THE Black hole.

In a war like this your fight both sides. The enemy, and your corrupt allied government that works against you.

It is too late. What you need is hard, brutal measures to win.

But you REALLY want to do this right?

ok here you go.........

1. Seal off the border. And I mean seal it. NO one gets thru unless it is at a very heavily armed check point. As far as the open lands...Look at the Israeli Palestinian wall/border or the Korean DMZ. These are your templates.

2. The Mexicans will hate you. They have Never forgot the treaties from the Mex American war or Pershing's expedition against Pancho Villa. But screw them.

You want to do this right? Your template. The French in Algeria. You raid and bomb as needed. You invade, Destroy and capture and then withdraw as needed. Assassinate as needed.

3. You poison the well. You use all your financial might to Destroy the cartels and basically cripple the Mexican economy. Why the economy? You are going to black mail the Mex Gov and elites by doing this. You say to them.......Destroy the cartels or we will impoverish you.

They will hate you.

And this may never end. Like Israel Palestine or North / South Korea.

It will take the iron fist and a heart of stone. Like the Proclamation of Himmler to the SS in the Soviet Union.
"Remove pity from your hearts"

Do all the above, if you really want to eradicate the drug cartels.

Oh BTW, This is just as important as all of the above...... Lock up all your drug addicts in the USA and after 1 appeal, automatically shoot any and all drug dealers

See you attack both drug targets... Supply and demand. Econ 101

Viel Glück, mein Freund!

Anonymous said...

the silliness of these comments is amazing
1. china now has stuff made in Mexico to save shipping costs.
2. much of fenatal drugs gets shipped from china to Mexico to move to US
3. Mexico is a sovereign nation and you simply do not ">bnomb" them and that ends that.
4. drugs in America are here because yes shipped often from Mexico but the customers are here, US.
5. the simplistic notion of building a wall is plain silly. The immensity of the project is too big and drug suppliers get here through border passages, along with legitimate stuff, and underground, and via air, and subs.

Anonymous said...

and while at it, what about corrupt and useless Central America?
plz show us a map of where the drug cartels are located so we can avoid bombing vacation spots where so many Americans go to vacation.

Anonymous said...

Make life less bleak at home and the number of addicts will drop fast.

Anonymous said...

You lose 100,000 people a year to drug overdoses and it is part of a military strategy, then yes, Mexico can be invaded.

You have a conflict consisting of at least two parties and one of them is a government and where 1,000 or more people are dead per year, that is considered meeting the definition of a war. It is probably the most common definition of war.

Would the Democrats turn on the CIA. The Democrat did turn on the KKK and the KKK historically was the paramilitary arm of the Democrat party. So yes, the Democrats would turn on the CIA.

You do not need maps. Once the cartels get seriously hurt, they will kill some American tourists. After that no more maps are needed, since American will not go to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

"Make life less bleak at home and the number of addicts will drop fast."

^ We have a winner. That is the 1st, important step.

* That require low inflation.
* Low inflation has a prerequisite of cheaper energy prices (i.e. more oil).
* Requires more jobs.
* Requires no racial division politics.

These are not things the Democrats are willing to do.

Greedy Wheeler Dealer Joe Biden has said out of work coal miners should take up coding. Has Greedy Joe given any metrics as to how many miners suecssfully transitioned due to self help or government programs to turn them into programmers? No it was a gratuitous bumper sticker, election campaign comment.

Anonymous said...

BLOBBER the Russian troll spotted at 7:46 spreading his thinly disguised sweetly flavored sarcasm for propaganda purposes.

The CIA or FBI should do what they do.

Anonymous said...


Mr fair and balanced. Reality is tough.... especially when the hard reality does not fit your blobbish narrative.

Your blob masters would never approve any of these. They would not even agree that these solutions might work.


Not because the solutions are"silly"

But, Because the solutions do not fit your f'd up narrative.

Been watching the drug war for over 40 years. And all the 1/2 measures you blobbers have put into place.

So what is your solution ? Keep doing the same thing? A loser idea.

In 40 years, the situation has not gotten better under your "Drug War" effort. It has gotten worse.

Yes , but you have no solution... NONE., as usual!! All you wretched idiots can offer is criticism, not even constructive criticism , just stupid platitudes.

Anonymous said...

BLOBBER you really should turn yourself into the FBI or throw yourself into a lake.

Anonymous said...


You just cannot handle the truth. But then again, you get paid to sell a narrative. GS4 work is pretty boring. Maybe one day you will get a real job and quit being a leach on society

don't forget your cac card

Anonymous said...

Mexico is the enemy of he United States. Do what needs to be done to protect the USA is my suggestion. Of course Biden is too much of a coward who hates the USA and won't protect it.

Anonymous said...

1100 you should be sent to Лубянка and get your Russian recommended daily does of Pb. You are doing Putin no good.

On the other hand you could become part of the new crew of the Admiral Kuznetsov. There are problems with the crew. Many of them died around Bakhmut and Andriivka in failed attacks by naval regiments. Send us pictures in a few decades when the Admiral Kuznetsov begins flight ops.

Anonymous said...


Skods, You are here too??

Trying to misdirect here too?

This is not about the Russians, Get back to the drug war.

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:46 why are you even here? Slow day at the abortion clinic?

Hans Persson said...

All you need is to read 8:22's comment.
Figure out a strategy around that a d we have a win.

Anonymous said...


Truth? You cannot handle the truth.

Now back to our discussion of the drug war.

The US is losing this effort and the situation in Mexico has continued to deteriorate in spite of US efforts.

The current idea of putting troops into Mexico without the determination to see the mission through is a recipe for disaster.

And after the debacle of Afghanistan , it is hard to imagine that the US would be in anyway successful.

Recommend you read 7:46

Have. good day

Hans Persson said...

But a wall is never a bad thing. Those who say it's bad.. we have to start to wonder about that persons motivation.

It's not there to stop the drugs, it's there to make it difficult. That's the point.

Anonymous said...

Can’t bomb them, reinforcing our borders is silly, so what do we do? give them a hug and ask them nicely to stop? Yeah we’re screwed

Anonymous said...

If walls did not work, they would not be built.

It is like Hans said. Walls are there to make things difficult instead of short hike across the border.

Walls are meant to be manned. Properly manned walls are a great deterrent. A wall is only one layer in a layered defenses. There are immigration check points 75 or 100 miles behind the border. Another layer would be in Mexico using informants, agents and cooperating with the Mexican government (which is a mixed bag).

Anonymous said...

Walls do not work

What bullshit

Tell that to the Israelis and the Koreans

and how about all those folks who were trapper in East Berlin for all those years.

Yea, that's right Einstein, walls don't work.

Anonymous said...

Walls do not stop people? You ever notice how some of these guys always parrot the government narrative no matter how stupid it is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

or girls