Monday, May 15, 2023

After This Weekends' Russian Missile Strike On A Western Ukrainian Arms Depot, Radiation Levels Are Now Spiking


Eastern Herald: After a missile strike by the RF Armed Forces, an increased radiation background is recorded in Khmelnytsky 

A recent strike by Russian troops on an ammunition depot near the Kation factory in Khmelnytsky appears to have been targeted by British depleted uranium shells. This is evidenced by the increased level of radiation and attempts to extinguish the fire by remote robots. 

Thus, the measurements showed that after the explosion the radiation level fell from 80-100 nanosieverts to 140-160 nanosieverts. Previously, such measurements were carried out in the area of the Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant, but now they are near the regional center and in the Ternopil region, since after the explosion the wind blows in a westerly direction. 

The version of the presence of ammunition containing uranium in the warehouse was partially confirmed by the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Igor Moseychuk, who advised to evacuate the children from the place of detonation of the shells.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Radiation levels in Khmelnitsky rise following NATO ammo depot explosion (  

Update #2: Russia said it "destroyed shells with depleted uranium in Ternopil": the OVA told details (TXT Report)  

WNU Editor: The official Ukraine explanation is that there is nothing to be worried about, and that it was a humanitarian warehouse that was struck by Russian missiles this weekend .... Russian missile attack demolishes humanitarian aid warehouse in Ternopil (New Voice Of Ukraine).

Needless to say. No one is buying this official explanation. 

 For one. The fireball was beyond massive for a warehouse filled with food and other essential supplies (see video here). And two .... when does one send in robots to put out a humanitarian warehouse fire (see tweet below).

And then there is the inconvenient fact that many Ukrainians have radiation dosimeters over fears that nuclear weapons may be used. They are now all on social media reporting elevated levels of alpha and gamma radiation.

Update #1: I am now reading numerous reports on social media that people are fleeing the Ternopil region, Khmelnytsky, and even Lviv over these radiation fears.  

Update #2: The winds are blowing towards German .... Gamma Radiation Spikes in Ukraine. The winds are currently blowing Northwest to Germany (Substack/Russian Market).  

Update #3: The war bloggers that I follow believe this was where much of the depleted uranium shells given by the UK were stored. It was one of the primary reasons why it was struck when the Russians learned about what was stored there. 

Sighhh .... I wish Ukraine never accepted these shells. 

There are also other reports that this is where Ukraine had assembled some "dirty bombs". I sincerely hope that those reports are completely wrong.


Anonymous said...

dirty bomb in usa will stop the big apple in summer u fools

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the Eastern Herald. Not going there until I can check them out.

Already read this story at the Warzone.

Someone pointed out that European agencies would have reported spikes.

This was a known ammo dump for the Good ole Soviet days.

Based on other comments at Warzone, I do not think the the Depleted stuff would be stored there.

However, there would be lots of leftover Soviet stock not safe to move, which would go boom.

Anonymous said...

" One out of two. Either Ukraine has become an advanced robotic power like Japan, or something radioactive has exploded there. That is, those same shells with…"

I have been to firefighting school 3 times for at least 24 hours or maybe as much 40 hours.

Learned how to attack structural fires, plane fires, oil tank fires and how to attack/cool off a shell.

That is a single shell like loose on a flight deck.

I can be pretty damn dumb at times. Real dumb I did fall off something. that said I do not think I would be stupid enough to tack a whole bunch of ordinance with a fire hose. Attacking one to save a ship or part of it is one thing. attacking pallets and pallets of hot ammo?

Victor Vicktop does not know what he is talking about. They have car racing schools where you can drive race cars if you have a lot of cash. I suggest Victor go to a fire fighting school for fun. He seems to have the time and the money.

Anonymous said...

If the ruskies knew about this soviet era storage depot containing radioactive material and targeted it, couldn’t that be interpreted as Russia intentionally creating a nuclear disaster? Might be better off this site storing UK DU tank rounds. Personally I think odds are high that a dirty bomb is going to be used this summer. The bad moon is a risin

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the British committed war crimes in sending uranium shells to Ukraine, and I would be in favor of arresting the criminals responsible (the higher level ones, not the logistical personnel) and bringing them to justice in an international tribunal.

Anonymous said...

This is why this war is taking longer.

Anonymous said...

Are you surprised?

Since 2000 the Russians have been telling the west "don't do stupid shit"

Don't bomb Lydia, don't arm ISIS, dont put missile systems in Romania, don't encourage the Ukies.

What was it 3 weeks ago?
Don't send DU rounds to the Ukraine.

And what does the West do? Ship DU rounds to the Ukraine.

Can't fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

The problem for everyone is that this stupid is metastasizing at exponential rates. Almost on a daily basis this thing gets worse now

Anonymous said...

War does not stop by endless attacks.

Young Communist said...

Can be possible that an army trained by NATO for years held old soviet uranium ammo be stocked in a vulnerable place? Of course these are UK DU shells. But new or old they are, if you are not crazy, search for a better place.

But you are a nazi, so who care of the people you want to be martyrize for your's supremacy delirium.

Can this madness be stopped?

In Europe seems not.

fazman said...

As soon as Putins trial us over, knock yourself out

Anonymous said...

Yo firefighter man. You should actually click the images before making your grand declarations.

Those aren't firefighters holding the hoses. They are robots. The kind you use in an ordnance fire, or a radioactive waste zone.

Goin back to school for round 4.

Anonymous said...

Sidenote: The destroyed shells were the ammunition intended for the old rifled Challenger 2's. They are largely incompatible with all other ammunition provided to Ukraine. Britain and France (the sole remaining NATO members using two-piece ammunation) have both upgraded their main guns to smoothbore and those shells are no longer being produced.

Of course some shells will have been stored elsewhere but that was a massive explosion. If they still intend to use those tanks then replacement two-piece 120mm rifled shells will have to be found somewhere. Not an easy quest to undertake.