Wednesday, May 10, 2023

America's Biggest Banks Are Bleeding Hundreds In Billions In Deposits

Wall Street Parade: Deposits at JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo Shrank by $465 Billion Y-O-Y; More than Twice the Total of 4,000 Small Banks 

Since the banking crisis began making headlines at expensive media real estate, the narrative has been that deposits are fleeing the small commercial banks and flooding into the biggest banks that are perceived as too-big-to-fail and thus offer a safer venue for deposits. 

Because these mega banks are the same ones that the Fed has been bailing out since the financial crisis of 2008, that narrative requires believing that our fellow Americans are dumber than a stump. 

We decided to check out that narrative for ourselves. Not only is that scenario wrong, but it is so decidedly wrong, and it’s so easy to get the accurate figures, that from where we sit it looks like there might have been an agenda by someone to harm smaller banks. (Since it’s short sellers who have benefited to the tune of more than $7 billion from this misinformation, the Securities and Exchange Commission should find out who the public relations firms are who placed this erroneous information, and who paid them.)  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: So much for the media and political narrative that it is the small US banks that are losing depositors. The big US banks are also in trouble, correction, bigger trouble, and it looks like the media is covering for them.


Anonymous said...

Lol people are not stupid
You threaten them with a CBDC and they will take their money out, store it at home - maybe buy gold or other precious metals - and when you then come to force them to accept the CDBC they will have enough money to last, buy weapons, and hang your demonic ass!

Anonymous said...

You should not have a lot of money in banks anyway, CD’s don’t pay - open investment accounts

Anonymous said...

The corporations back the uniparty. The titular, elected head of the uniparty makes Spiro Agnew look like a boy scout.

20 LLC and other corporate entities to obfuscate tracing bribes from foreign countries to the Bidens.

Anonymous said...


If you take a step back and look at the coordinated attacks against our values, culture, infrastrucutre, banking, finance, economy, etc etc. you will come to this conclusion:

1. It's a coordinated corporate led takeover
2. Behind these corporations are big banks and investment arms (trillions worth, see e.g. Blackrock, vanguard)
3. These investment arms are mostly privately held and most of that wealth is owned AND directed by actual royal families that like vampires have coordinated wars and the plight of the human race

Most people wake up to this fact.

What I am saying is this: With this great awakening there will be the necessity for these demonic entities to distract us with war and pit us against one another and further atomize our communities (break up of families etc)

What I am proposing is this:

Gather the evidence, SPY on THEM!
Then trial them
Then hang them publicly(!) very important
Then put them in shallow graves and mark the day as a national holiday all around the World, to remind us of finally being free of these entities that for so long have caused misery in your country and in my country.

We will be united and we will get rid of them. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

The comments above an indication of what excessive masturbation can do to one's already damaged brain

Hans Persson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The comments above [are] (sic) an indication of ...

Assuming it is the one person, their writing is a sign of degraded mental ability. If the assumption is wrong, a troll is copying the writing style of of someone who frequently cannot write a sentence with a subject, verb and direct object.

Anonymous said...

Spot on. 👍

Hans Persson said...

If you refer to me, English is not my first language and I even suck with grammar in my native language. Are/is is very confusing to me sometimes, i don't know why.

Anonymous said...

You are fine Hans. You are bilingual. I am not. So me critising you in a mean way should not happen.

By the way which English do you speak? At uni, I learned that there were 3or 4 English departments. you read a science article and expect your mind to be blown sometimes. my mind was blown to know there were 3+ English departments. There were regular, TESL and international flavors.

The English as an International Language Department was was headed up by an Indian (dot not the feather). Being an international language is flattering, but it also means you lose some measure of control over the language, which considering the state of American academia is a good thing. Done with the tangential thought.

I was referring to 8:22 AM. They made a very particular and maybe peculiar mistake.

Hans Persson said...

We learn English in school from 3rd grade (when I grew up, don't know now) so its probably international flavors.. Never heard of that or TESL before.
Language is very interesting when you go down the rabbit hole, especially when you like history. That's why I know a few more.