Sunday, May 7, 2023

Are China's Aircraft Carriers A Threat?

China’s aircraft carrier Liaoning takes part in a military drill in the western Pacific Ocean in April. REUTERS/Stringer © Provided by Times of San Diego  

Times of San Diego: Analysis: China's New Carriers Don't Yet Compare to U.S. Ships Based in San Diego 

When China sailed one of its two active aircraft carriers, the Shandong, east of Taiwan last month as part of military drills surrounding the island, it was showcasing a capability that it has yet to master and could take years to perfect. 

As Beijing modernizes its military, its formidable missile forces and other naval vessels, such as cutting-edge cruisers, are posing a concern for the U.S. and its allies. 

But it could be more than a decade before China can mount a credible carrier threat far from its shores, according to four military attaches and six defence analysts familiar with regional naval deployments.  

Read more ....  

Update: China's aircraft carriers play 'theatrical' role but pose little threat yet (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: China has a different point of view .... China says Shandong aircraft carrier handled foreign reconnaissance ‘prudently’ (SCMP). More here .... Do Chinese carriers only play theatrical role? Shandong aircraft carrier fleet’s first Western Pacific drills effectively refute such smears (Global Times).


Anonymous said...

Ten missiles and it's fish food. Same goes for all carriers or surface vessels of equal value. They are literally only good at bullying third world shit holes and 1945 style "surprise combat" where one fleet gets blindside attacked (doesn't happen in the space age).

Anonymous said...

Same with the US navy, only good at bullying third world shit holes.

Anonymous said...

That’s a bingo

Anonymous said...

Looser's thinking.

Anonymous said...

2:54 /2:55 are looser's thinking.

Anonymous said...

Sure. But dispite what you may think, the ocean is a big place. Not easy targets. Just juicy ones. I also think you assume ghey travel alone for some reason? They arent totally undefended

Anonymous said...

Need to be more like the Russian Navy. Lul

Anonymous said...

right. under trump you were a winner and that is why he got a second term?

Anonymous said...

We are all losers under Biden bubs
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