Friday, May 19, 2023

Bakhmut Hasn't Fallen...Yet (Video Report)


 WNU Editor: The battle for this city has been intense for almost 9 months. It is not going to end in two days .... Russia's Prigozhin says Bakhmut will not fall in next two days (Reuters). 

And while there is hope in the West that the battle for Bakhmut may shift in favor of the Ukrainian army .... Ukraine, Wagner group both say Russian forces in retreat near Bakhmut (CBC/Reuters), the momentum is simply not there. 

At the end of 2022 I wrote that the battle for Bakhmut was the biggest battle of the war, and a "meat grinder" for both armies. This battle also suited the Russian strategy of engaging the Ukraine army in a war of attrition, a tactic that favored the Russians due to their superior firepower and advantages in logistics. 

We are now at the end, and all the worst predictions have come true. 

It is not mentioned much in the West, but the Ukraine military threw in the equivalent of an Army Corps to the defense of Bakhmut, but it was not enough. The Wagner Group has defeated the best that Ukraine can throw in the battle, and it's impact is going to be felt across the board in Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

Once again Prighozin's bluster isn't worth anything.

"The flanks have collapsed! Everyone is in retreat!" Russian forces proceed to advance another 2km on the flanks.

Guy has either been part of a psyop for the last 3 weeks or he's lost his mind near the front.

Anonymous said...

Agree , you have to admit, that guy is entertaining. But I did like what he said about the American and how the Wagner guys sent him home as an honored adversary, draped in the flag.

Ich hatt Einen Komraden.

Anonymous said...

The first - May 2022.
The second - May 2023.

This is not the result of an earthquake, nor of a meteorite hitting the Earth, nor of a volcanic eruption.

It is much worse… the "russian world" came to Bakhmut.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


NO, not proud, you freak.

I would say sad and disheartened at all the killing going on. The predictability of the Ukrainian loss and the unwillingness of anyone to discuss peace. The editor is a humanitarian , unlike most of the goons on this blog.

You are an arrogant Ukie rah rah boy,. If The Russians had lost you would have stood up, POINTED and screamed..... LOOOOOSER!!!.

That is because you have no grace , empathy, or love of Christ in your heart.

For me, I pity those poor bastatrds on both sides.

Fehernbach said it best:

"It is the destiny of the soldier to suffer, and if need be die"

That Wagner guy understood that when he sent that American home in a flag. Unlike some of your friends who like to desecrate bodies.

Anonymous said...

If the Russia losew, I will stand up for Putin to be deposed and for there to be a new government in Russia.

This dark road Putin and the Russian oligarchs have taken us started decades ago. One canary was when the oligarchs pushed BP out.

Anonymous said...

Russia invaded a nation. period.fuck them.

Anonymous said...

America invaded a nation.
Fuck them

Sound right?
For Syria
A fganistan
Your argument is flawed and weak