Monday, May 8, 2023

Canada Expels Chinese Diplomat Accused Of Threatening Conservative MP's Family


CTV News: 'Persona non grata:' Canada expelling Chinese diplomat after threats to Conservative MP 

OTTAWA - The Liberal government is expelling Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei, whom Canada's spy agency alleged was involved in a plot to intimidate Conservative MP Michael Chong and his relatives in Hong Kong. 

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly wrote in a statement that Canada has declared the Toronto-based diplomat as "persona non grata." 

 "We will not tolerate any form of foreign interference in our internal affairs," she wrote. "Diplomats in Canada have been warned that if they engage in this type of behaviour, they will be sent home." 

Joly's statement came just as MPs were voting in favour of a Conservation motion calling for certain diplomats to be expelled and for the government to call a public inquiry into foreign interference.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These threats against this Conservative MP's family happened two years ago. Someone dropped the ball in Ottawa on this file .... Government still investigating why threats against Chong not passed up to cabinet (Canadian Press). 

 Canada Expels Chinese Diplomat Accused Of Threatening Conservative MP's Family  

Canada expelling diplomat accused of targeting MP Michael Chong's family -- CBC News  

Canada expels Chinese diplomat who allegedly targeted Conservative MP -- Global News  

Canada expels Chinese diplomat accused of targeting lawmaker -- Reuters  

Ottawa declares Chinese diplomat 'persona non grata' in Canada -- BBC  

Canada expels Chinese diplomat for alleged intimidation of lawmaker -- The Guardian  

Canada to expel Chinese diplomat following allegations of foreign influence -- CNN  

What happens when a diplomat is declared 'persona non grata' — and what that means -- National Post


Anonymous said...

China will expel two Canadian diplomats in return.

Anonymous said...

^ Who gives a fuhck? Chinee got no bwaintwust, only inskwetable spy. Clearly feering their oats, even before the crop comes in. Not gowing to end well for Chinee.

Anonymous said...

Canada is weak. The West is a tasty road apple.

Comrade Xi knows this.

Hans Persson said...

The diplomat does. There he's very well paid "work" (vacation) is ruined.

I've seen the blatant corruption around these "diplomats".

Hans Persson said...

Now he must gather his friends and family and make sure they get visas and can follow him back to Canada. Dude this man just got a ton of work to do 🤣

Hans Persson said...

I'm obviously talking about that Canadian diplomat that is going to get expelled from China of course.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just as SQL is not a complete computer language, the ICC is not a complete government nor is part of a complete government.

It makes it a European elite vanity project. The Euro elite are the same people, who could not or would not sort out the break up Yugoslavia. Their combined armies were greater than any of the constituent parts of Yugoslavia. It was on their door step. they would be no need of overseas deployment. The did noting but admonish, watch and diddle themselves. Slovenia was a wake up call. It lasted two weeks. the war between Serbia and Croatia should have been stopped by the EU or the UN. Nothing.

Croatian War of Independence raged from 1991 to 1995. The Euro-trash did nothing. When Bosnia popped off then the trash got the US involved, which was fortunate for Bill Clinton. because he needed to wag the dog.

The ICC is also a bastard. It is standalone from the UN although peripherally connected. Out of all the genocides and war crimes committed around the world what percentage of them does the ICC tackle?

1% ?

0.1% ?

0.01% ?

The ICC is like a drone. It only operates in a permissive environment. It means that they will only investigate and prosecute crimes in certain regions and by certain people and never others. It a bastard child.

But it is a good paycheck.