Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Did Ukraine Shoot Down Six Russian Hypersonic Missiles In One Night?


Daily Beast: Humiliation for Putin’s ‘Unstoppable’ Superweapons Blasted Out of Sky by U.S. Defense System 

Russian officials must be reeling in utter disbelief after seven of their most sophisticated missiles were blasted out of the sky in an incredible night of drama over Kyiv. 

When Ukraine’s Defense Express outlet reported that just one Kh-47 “Dagger” missile had been shot down with a U.S.-made Patriot air defense system earlier this month, it prompted fury in Russia. 

On Saturday, U.S. officials told CNN that the Russian missile attack on May 5 was targeting the Patriot itself. Russian officials called the interception “wishful thinking”—even as Ukrainian and U.S. officials made statements to the contrary. 

The Kremlin had believed these weapons were all but “unstoppable.” Those Russian claims were left in disarray early Tuesday when a further six Kh-47s were reportedly shot down in a single night.

Read more ....  

Update #1: Ukraine war: Kyiv says it shot down Russian hypersonic missiles (BBC)  

Update #2: Kyiv says it shoots down volley of Russian hypersonic missiles (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: After claiming that it shot down all Russian missiles that were targeting Kyiv early Tuesday morning, Ukraine is now backtracking its claims after numerous videos started to show-up on social media that clearly show Russian missile strikes on the city. Including this strike .... Moscow Claims It Destroyed A Patriot Missile Battery In Kyiv. U.S. Confirms Damage To Patriot Defense System in Kyiv Attack.


Anonymous said...

What did they use to shoot down hypersonic missiles?

Anonymous said...

Farfegnugen, that's what they used!!

Farfegnugen and the Covid Shot, which of course,

is both safe and effective

These two new wonder weapons were deployed by the Heros of the Snake Island brigade with assistance of the Ghost of Kiev.

And this is what happens ladies and gentleman when you lie all the time. No one believes you any more.

Just like the parable of the "Boy Who Cried Wolf".

DinoB said...

I may have been the ghost of Kyiv.......

DinoB said...

^^^^ IT , not I

Anonymous said...

The Russians destroyed 9 out f the 6 component parts of the Patriot missile battery. A vatnik was demoted for targeting the Porta-potty of the battery. The Russians had intended to capture that intact.

Anonymous said...

The US is gaining tons of data on the performance of the Patriot that can be used to improve the system. Nothing beats real world testing against your enemies best weapons. The fact the Patriot has been this successful using the older radars and the cheapest interceptors is extremely noteworthy. US has new radars (LTAMDS) and a new integrated command system (IBCS); neither of which Ukraine has. Plus they are using the lower cost inferior PAC3 CRI with very old radars. If Patriot can shoot down the vaunted Russian hypersonic missiles using 25 year old technology just imagine what it can do with the lastest radars and PAC3 MSE.

And most importantly, Russia is so focused on taking the Patriot system out the civilian infrastructure in Kyiv is not being hit. Another win for Ukraine. Let Russia use up the rest of its long range attack missiles attacking Patriot. Its a win win either way.

Anonymous said...

If Russia is so focused on the Patriots then they are not fighting a war of conquest anymore. Pursuit of a simple tactical and propaganda goals instead of having a strategy. This is Russia and Putin, I know. They have no strategy beyond bullying, terror, torture and a "trust me, I will keep Russia safe." For Ukraine, this Russian distraction of chasing Patriots is good. Saves the civilians and gives them time to build a knock-out punch. For Putin, this really devolves into a show of keeping up appearances while he as emperor is exposed as having no clothes.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I think it performed better than expected considering the concerted effort to destroy it. In a NATO setting, other assets would be providing advance warning to the Patriot System. The Ukrainian setting is clearly more challenging.

Anonymous said...

Also… they literally attacked nearly simultaneously with a half dozen Kinzhals, 3 Iskanders, 9 Kalibrs, 6 Shaheds, and other drones.

That has to be the single toughest DEAD mission any PATRIOT battery has ever faced before, and maybe ever will.

Seems like the Ukrainians were smart and used something else to down the drones, though.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I find the entire situation somewhat of a tempest within a teapot. The base function of these systems is missile defense and, to paraphrase Tyler, not a magical 3 dimensional field of safety. The collective West knows this, the Russians know this, every major power knows and it is not exactly a secret. If some batteries were damaged or destroyed this time that is to be expected. If not, then there will likely be destroyed or damaged batteries/radars/etc. in the future. It would be MORE surprising if this did not happen. That is the nature of warfare and all else is public relations.

To go a step further, when Western tanks begin actual battle there will be a loss. Maybe multiple, possibly even all. The same goes for the potential vaporware of F-16s that Ukraine desperately needs from the West. In the end it really doesn't matter. Women and men need equipment to fight. That equipment will be destroyed, and people will die - as is the nature of war. The important part, as Thomas William Hodgson Crosland wrote in 1917; "Don’t die for your dear country’s sake, but let the other chap die for his."

fazman said...

Probably had a couple of gerpards taking care of the drones

Anonymous said...

The one critical link in a Patriot battery is the MPQ-53 battle-management radar. Disable that and the party's over. The good news is that as a phased-array radar it's pretty robust. You'd have to score a direct hit on it (enough to take out the TWT or CFAs, or a sizable fraction of the ~5000 ferritic phase shifters) to disable it.

The fact that we're seeing reports that the battery is "full operational" means they didn't get that radar, and everything else is ultimately expendable.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^ Poor Russian trollski cat got its tongue

Anonymous said...

If they did ....maybe they should put those aa platforms near there ammo storage?

Anonymous said...

vaunted kinzhal is hot off the presses

the patriot batteries are 20 or 30 year old tech.

It is not what the US uses now.

9:25 send me your address so I can send you a case of vodka to drown out your sorrows

Anonymous said...

lol you are sad. have a cry.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I am sure. for starters I have had config mgmt. have u?

Anonymous said...

9:14 AM is not even attempting to disguise that he is full of horse-shit.

Fazman, Junior said...

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 16, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War

Anonymous said...

Saw that latest report. It said Russia was losing.

Anonymous said...

ISI always says russia is losing. Russia could rule the world or have Jesus come there to live and ISI would say they are losing.

Have you not figured out that ISI is a NEOCON cespool