Monday, May 8, 2023

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Makes A Prediction On How The Russia - Ukraine War Will End

Henry Kissinger attends a luncheon at the US State Department in Washington DC, December 1, 2022 © AFP / Roberto Schmidt 

Newsweek: Kissinger Predicts China Involvement Will Lead to Ukraine Peace Talks 

Henry Kissinger, a former U.S. secretary of state and national security adviser, said he believes the Russia-Ukraine war is coming to a turning point and expects negotiations by the end of the year thanks to recent efforts made by China. 

After several rounds of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in the early months of the conflict launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022, neither side has seemed willing to return to the negotiating table. 

Beijing seemingly tried to reignite talks between Kyiv and Moscow with a 12-point position paper published on the one-year anniversary of the invasion. Along with calling for a ceasefire, the Chinese plan would leave Russian troops in occupied territories of Ukraine and put an end to any sanctions not approved by the U.N. Security Council, of which Russia is a veto-wielding member. 

Read more ....  

Update: Kissinger makes Ukraine peace prediction (RT)  

WNU Editor: I do not see this happening. 

The U.S. will not permit the Zelensky government to use China to start peace talks. The geopolitical consequences for the U.S. to play "second fiddle" to China when it comes to ending this war is completely unacceptable in Washington..

The U.S. and NATO have invested all their political, military, and economic capital to defeat Russia. Anything short of that will be interpreted by the world as a defeat for the West.


Anonymous said...

The USA forfeited a role at the peace table by demonizing Russian relations. China is the nation with good relations with both warring parties so it will broker the peace. With that it will become a major power broker in Europe and change the face of European security looking east and not to the New World. Big stakes at play.

Anonymous said...

Concur with the above.

US is not seen as a neutral partner like Carter or TR.

the US is by default a belligerent in this case.

And no, The Blobber ego will not allow them to be surpassed by the Chinese.
no peace with the blobber, only death

Anonymous said...

War will go on forever and ever and get big

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is who is Kissinger pissed off at? Guy has this legendary career shaping the world before and during unipolarity, and then he tragically lives long enough to see it mostly undone in a matter of a decade by his successors. He's a measured man and I know it's expecting a bit too much for him to go on TV and start throwing current officials under the bus. Maybe after he's passed we'll get his unfiltered opinions in print somewhere.

fazman said...

Goodxtelations with both parties ...stop..l can't breathe 🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is where cadres of potential 3rd world leaders went to get educated and weeded out. Did Russia have to launch a coup, when uncontrollable potential leaders were eliminated in the middle of the night? Don't think of it as a coup. think of it as a post term abortion performed by a KGB officer without having a MD.

The Russians were so kind. they sent money to the American Communist Party plus doing everything under the table to suborn politicians, academics and politicians in every NATO country.

Russia never had a right to be world leader then ir now due to all their shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Can't breath, can hardly string together an english sentence. Call a doctor.

Anonymous said...


Replace Russoa with USSR and you are correct.
KEEP Russia in the post and you are a liar.