Sunday, May 21, 2023

Hypersonic Missiles And Nuclear Weapons Will Be A Priority In The 2024 U.S. Defense Budget

Defense One: Hypersonics, Nukes Top House Lawmaker’s Priorities List  

But markups at Doug Lamborn’s HASC strategic forces panel are on hold amid threats to force a U.S. default. 

Hypersonic missiles and nuclear weapons will get top priority when the House Armed Services committee’s strategic forces panel finally gets to mark up the 2024 defense-policy bill, according to the subcommittee’s chairman. 

HASC markups are on hold while GOP lawmakers seek federal budget cuts by threatening to force the U.S. renege on its debts. 

Rep. Doug Lamborn, a Republican whose district is based in Colorado Springs, said his biggest concern ahead of the markup, which was supposed to kick off on Thursday, is the top-line number. 

Lamborn said he’s “disappointed” the defense policy bill is delayed but “understands” why Congress needs to concentrate on the debt ceiling first.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Pentagon is definitely all in on developing and procuring hypersonic missiles .... Why the US is going full throttle on hypersonic missiles (The Hill).


Anonymous said...

People be all "the stuff we don't know about is incredible."
How many units of these magic missiles exist along with the ark of the covenant?
No, I think that what we see is what we get. Perhaps they have some more advanced prototypes or concepts. Whoopty-do.
25 Years of money pit projects and ambush wars for zero gain.

Anonymous said...,fl_lossy,dpr_3,h_100,w_93,c_scale/v200/f5ee8db1d3ec3b2cdfe36ae9fbdabb31,fl_lossy,dpr_3,h_100,w_93,c_scale/v200/f5ee8db1d3ec3b2cdfe36ae9fbdabb31

Anonymous said...

The US has known about this tech for over 15 years. They (the pentagon and the BLOB) sat on thier hands and watched the Russians and Chinese develop this tech. In Syrian and Ukraine they have seen this tech in action.
Why did we not develop and produce these weapons?

Why? Why is the question. We should have had this stuff in our arsenal years ago.

One word explains it. Incompetence.

Anonymous said...

we get once again the spouting of bullshit by dudes who know nothing and are too dumb to do a search:

The US started pursuing hypersonic weapons development in earnest in the early 2000s, as part of its conventional prompt global strike program. There are two main hypersonic weapons system concepts — the glide vehicle and air-breathing missile — that the US is developing.Mar 25, 2023

Anonymous said...

Really . Ok genius what did we say that was off the mark?

What they have been at it for"over 15 years". or 25 years...close enough as far as development.

But you still have not given a better solution, jackass. to the main. question:

With development since way back when, Why is it that the Ruskies and Chinks have this up and running and we are still having test models blowing up on the platform?

So yea, the project has been a sink hole of money since we have nothing to show for it yet.

You are not a commie or something are you?

Anonymous said...

and I'm pursuing the concept of banging Sophia Loren--yet years ago others achieved it.

Anonymous said...

He's just a MICC booster,
if the Suckers' Auxiliary no doubt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

While hypersonics have been well-developed and prototyped, the Defense Department has not fielded the weapons yet, and there remain challenges in the industrial production base and with testing infrastructure.

George Nacouzi, a senior engineer at the RAND Corporation, said the U.S. is now in a pivotal stage where it will soon transition to initial production.

“One of the things that’s limiting us [now] is how fast we can develop and how fast we can test them,” Nacouzi said. “But those are going to be increasing and they are increasing, so I expect to see more deployment of a larger number of these in the future.”

But the pursuit comes with deep risks, according to critics who contend the U.S. has not crafted a strategy for the use of the highly expensive weapons, which may raise the risk of nuclear conflict since they are difficult to detect or take down.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of weasle worded gobbledygook?

Can you believe that crap?
It says nothing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣