Saturday, May 20, 2023

Pope Francis Has Asked Italian Cardinal Matteo Zuppi To Carry Out A Ukraine Peace Mission

FILE - President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, speaks during a news conference in Rome, May 27, 2022. Pope Francis the cardinal to carry out a peace mission to try to help end the war in Ukraine, the Vatican said on Saturday.  

VOA/Reuters: Pope Asks Italian Cardinal to Carry Out Ukraine Peace Mission 

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has asked Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, head of the Italian bishops' conference, to carry out a peace mission to try to help end the war in Ukraine, the Vatican said on Saturday. 

Francis first spoke cryptically of his intention to launch a mission when he was returning from a trip to Hungary last month but gave no details. 

A Vatican diplomatic source said Zuppi would try to meet separately with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Because of history Orthodox Russians are always skeptical on what the Vatican wants to do ... including this peace mission. But apparently so are many in the West .... Why Pope Francis isn’t with the West on Ukraine (Modern Diplomacy). 

As to what is my take. Both sides are not interested in peace right now. But someone has to start a dialogue. 

Vatican To Carry Out A Ukraine Peace Mission  

Vatican: Pope Francis tasks cardinal with mission aimed at paving ‘paths to peace’ in Ukraine -- AP  

Pope asks Italian cardinal to carry out Ukraine peace mission -- Reuters  

Pope Asks Italian Cardinal To Lead Ukraine Peace Mission -- AFP  

Pope asks Italian cardinal to carry out peace 'mission' on Ukraine war -- The National

Pope appoints cardinal to lead Ukraine peace mission -- Ukrinform


Anonymous said...

Supporting Ukraine is the end of the Vatican, Putin is going to throw an electric warhead and it was all Vatican energy, in this the darkness of the apocalypse is fulfilled... Sinister Babylon Vatican? Bizarre...

Anonymous said...

Since the Reformation, in 1517, the Vatican has tried to be everything to everyone all the time, whatever the cost. They have neither shame nor truth. This is just the latest ploy. In the u.s. they are against border control because they need the Mexican Catholics to revitalize their coffers. Poop on the Pope.

Anonymous said...

I do not know about all of that.

But that cardinal has the look of a slime ball used car sales man

Anonymous said...

Fear of God is a starter u fools

Anonymous said...

Stop the war u ungodly man