Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Russia Condemns Poland Decision To Call Kaliningrad Królewiec And The Exclave's Wider Area As Obwód Królewiecki

BBC: Kaliningrad: Russia fury as Poland body recommends renaming exclave 

The Kremlin has reacted furiously after a Polish government body advised using a different name for Russia's exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea coast. 

The Polish committee said the city and wider area should instead be called Królewiec. 

This was the area's traditional name, it said, and the decision no longer to use an "imposed name" was partly a result of Russia invading Ukraine. 

Russia said the decision was "bordering on madness" and "a hostile act". 

"We know that throughout history, Poland has slipped from time to time into this madness of hatred towards Russians," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Russia has responded .... Kremlin spokesman slams Poland’s move to rename Russia’s Kaliningrad (TASS). More here .... Russian regional authorities slam Polish body’s move to rename Kaliningrad as "Krolewiec" (TASS). 

Russia Condemns Poland Decision To Call Kaliningrad Królewiec And The Exclave's Wider Area As Obwód Królewiecki  

Poland reverts to historic name for Russia’s Kaliningrad -- AP  

Poland Changes Kaliningrad's Official Name in Move Against 'Russification' -- Moscow Times/AFP  

Kremlin Calls Polish Decision to Rename Kaliningrad 'Hostile Act' -- Reuters  

Poland to use name Krolewiec instead of Kaliningrad -- The First News


Anonymous said...

Russia stole it form Germany, so why should they be upset?

Russia stole land form Romania, Poland, Germany and Finland in the last 100 years.

My proposal is make it a new country with Poles, Lithuanians, Germans and Russians. Have 4 official languages and make it a free trade zone. As such no current country would have ownership.

I have not seen anyone write this anywhere else, but I have not done a complete survey of literature. Some other people have had to have the same thought. That is my proposal, but no one will listen.

Hans Persson said...

Or just shut up and give it back like the Brits did with most of their land. But that logical thinking isn't there. We took it, therefore it's ours now. With that mindset they will lose all land with time.

Hans Persson said...

Because with that mindset Sweden can step in and claim all the Baltic Nations and start to condemn every nej-sayer's until we get it back.

Anonymous said...

The Germans were ethnically cleansed out of Kaliningrad/Konigsburg.

Anonymous said...

lol 😂

Anonymous said...

Long Live the Teutonic Knights and Poland-Lithuania!

Hans Persson said...

Yeah we must give repatriation to all the Teutonic descendents!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is am little secret. There were Germans living in Kaliningrad until 1945. You don;t have to go back to the 1250s.

Who were those Germans? Polocks.

They were German settlers. German men marrying local Slavic women. SO they were not pure Nordic types. If you do a DNA test of Germans and Poles you will find mixing.

Heck, there are Polocks in Britain going back to 4th to 7th centuries. Some Wends went with the Vikings to plunder and settle.

"Due to the process of assimilation following German settlement, many Slavs west of the Oder adopted the German culture and language. "

Some of that happened in Prussia too.

Interestingly in Bavaria there is DNA evidence of Asiatic women (steppe nomads) contributing to the gene pool in the 7 or 8th century. Bavarians do look different. I always do a double take when I see a person of German ancestry with a permanent tan. Can't help it, Societal stereotypes are strong although I know better.

(Some Russian aristocracy also married to Kipchak/Cuman aristocracy until the Mongols kick the hell out of the Kipchaks and Russians.)

Anyways the Germans kicked out by the Russians were a genetic mix of Germans and Slavic. Was it 30% or 50% Slavic? Don't know.

Seeing as people want to give indigenous people all their land back. Maybe we can also start with the Russians as it is the most recent.

Anonymous said...

Th Swedes should be kicked out of southern Sweden, It is also known as Geatland. The Swedes crossed a great forest and then conquered the Geats.

Time to divest Sweden of their ill gotten gains!

"Some scholars have argued that the Geats were subjugated by the Swedes, and have suggested various dates for such an event, from the 6th to the 9th centuries.[19] Others have wanted to see a more gradual merging, and that the Geats were slowly subsumed into the more powerful kingdom of Sweden, and in many respects they maintained their own cultural identity during the Middle Ages.[21] Still others have put emphasis on how it was individual rulers, not ethnic groups, who were driving the process towards a unified kingdom, and that the process was very complicated."

We should set up a revolutionary front for Geatish independence!

Anonymous said...

Until 1973 the official title of the Swedish king was "King of Sweden" (earlier: of the Swedes), the Geats/Goths and the Wends (with the formula Sveriges, Götes och Vendes konung',