Saturday, May 20, 2023

Russia Issues A Warning To The West That It Will Face ‘Enormous Risks’ By Supplying F-16 Jets To Ukraine


The Guardian: Providing Ukraine with F-16 jets a ‘colossal risk’ for west, Russia says  

Warning comes after Joe Biden said US would back joint effort to train Ukrainian pilots to fly fighter jets 

Providing Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets would be a “colossal risk” for western nations, a senior Russian minister has warned, as Washington and London reasserted their commitment to equipping the embattled nation with the military hardware it needs. 

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has been pushing western allies to supply the jets for months, with Downing Street saying on Saturday that the UK prime minister, Rishi Sunak, had again discussed the matter with him at the G7 summit in Japan.  

Read more .... 

WNU editor: The Ukraine air force. Or what is left of it. Has been ineffective in this war. Supplying 40 to 50 F-16 jets is not going to change the course of the war, but it will certainly escalate the war. 

I for one can easily see a scenario where these F-16s and Russian fighter jets find themselves engaged in aerial combat over the skies of Russia, Belarus, and maybe NATO-member Poland. 

Russian jets engaging against Ukrainian fighter jets over a NATO member, even thought it is ont he border region,  is going to change the dynamics of the war completely, and I for one would not be surprised if Ukraine tries to do this deliberately. 

The people that I trust on the Ukrainian side tell me that they only way that Kyiv can persevere in this conflict is if NATO gets involved directly. What better way to provoke a NATO response is by having Russian fighter aircraft conducting combat operations over the skies of a NATO member. 

The above video from the Hindustan Times is spot on in raising these concerns. 

Russia Issues A Warning To The West That It Will Face ‘Enormous Risks’ By Supplying F-16 Jets To Ukraine  

Russia to take into account West’s plans to send F-16 aircraft to Kiev — senior diplomat -- TASS 

Ukraine updates: Russia rebukes possible F-16s to Kyiv -- DW  

Russia warns West of ‘enormous risks’ if Ukraine is supplied with F-16 jets -- CNN  

Russian official warns Western countries face ‘enormous risks’ if they supply Ukraine with F-16s -- The Hill  

Russia warns West sending F-16s to Ukraine ‘carries enormous risks’: TASS -- Politico  

Russia: Giving F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine a ‘colossal risk’ -- Al Jazeera 

Russia Issues Warning to West Over F-16 Jets: 'Escalation Scenario' -- Newsweek


Caecus said...

It's hilarious how they try to portray it as allies putting pressure on the US as if the UK, the Netherlands or Latvia could even do so. As for Russia talking about "risks" no one in the West will even consider them after the provision of tanks, DU rounds and cruise missiles. Russia is even renewing the grain deal

Anonymous said...

The Russians have only delivered on their threats of consequences one time: Kerch bridge attack leading to the destruction of the power grid. I'm not holding my breath for any dramatic response. If the jets allow Ukraine to continue it's pace of 1-2 jets launched a day from an old highway then it can be dealt with. Moreso if they are flown by pilots with ~5 months experience.

At the same time, Ukraine's allies have a track record of making big promises during these high profile leader meetings and then squabbling over who's going to provide what, and eventually over the next couple of weeks dialing them back to a small fraction of what was originally promised.

Or maybe the jets are intended to provide some kind of air defense for the future Ukrainian rump state and they won't be thrown into action in the Donbas.

inb4 ruzzin troll orc ghost of kiev muh patriotz

Anonymous said...

Bad juju all the way around. But this is war. If I were the ukies I would ask for them too. Along with cruise missiles b 52s, and atomic weapons.
Why ? Well for us this is simply a matter of reading the news each day. For the, on both sides it is much more.

Saying that,
We need to stay the hell out. This is a tar baby that explodes. The ukies have nothing we need or want.

Anonymous said...

Bad juju all the way around supporting Czechoslovakia against Hitler.

Question: who was Hitler's first partner in conquering and carving up countries?

Answer: Russia


fazman said...

Russian threats #63...please lol, nobody but NOBODY in nato takes them seriously anymore.

Anonymous said...

No mr DDSS

It was not Russia, It was the Soviet Union led by a Georgian named Joe Stalin. But thank you once again for showing your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

faz I am with you. you need more time to enlighten peepz here who been lost on their lives and beliefts.


fazman said...

There's always 1 lol

Anonymous said...

You and faz are a bunch of war mongering idiots who claim to be on the right side of history secluded in your own little echo chambers of BS.

Ukraine is not going to win. Covid shots were not safe and effective. Hunters computer was not conspiracy theory. on and all have been constantly wrong. But still you persist, no worries.

This time around you will be wrong again, as always, the Fazman rule will prevail.

Anonymous said...

How in God's name can you say that the Ukrainian Air Force has been "ineffective?" Russia never established anything close to air superiority over any airspace except for narrow slices in the east and south. The Ukrainian Air Force is still flying daily combat sorties and managing to deter Russian warplanes from entering the vast majority of Ukrainian airspace — and with vastly inferior equipment. Russian pilots are under-trained and beholden to Soviet command and control practices. They'd get slaughtered by any Western air force — they can't even gain the upper hand over Ukraine's Air Force, with its vastly inferior equipment, but vastly superior pilots.

Anonymous said...

Hey bud, that comment was made on a different thread.

But I was nearly asking questions of a post that said the russians were bad and the ukies were so much better.

They are ineffective. Simple. How many Russian factories have they bombed?

I see Moscow is in flames, right?

Why can Russian artillery fire with impunity?

Even their own troops say the get no air cover.

Are you confusing Russian caution for supposed inferiority?

I did not postulate that the russians were "great or superior". All I asked, was since the Ukrainians are so superior , why have they not done better?

Anonymous said...

Your comment is idiotic. Ukraine was invaded, and the mission of the Ukrainian air force is to defend Ukrainian land and air space and spare Ukrainian civilian centers from missile and drone terror strikes — not to attack Moscow or Russian factories. Russian artillery can only fire with "impunity" within the shadow of Russian, ground-based air defenses — a shadow that extends only into the narrow slivers of land that Russia's invasion forces still control. No one ever said the Ukrainian Air Force was "so superior" to Russia's — but Ukrainian pilots certainly are superior to Russian pilots. With Russia's technological edge, why do they suck so bad? And you claim the Russians are overly cautious?!?! The Russians suffered 100,000 casualties to take Bakhmut alone. At that rate, the Russians will need to absorb more than a billion casualties to take all of Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

You have no depth of understanding, do you?

Ukraine was invaded? Well that's what happens when you threaten your neighbor who is much bigger than you, by trying to join an alliance that is hostile to him and kill about 14000 of his ethnic brothers.

The mission of any air force is not just to defend jackass, but to destroy the enemies war making capability. Which by your own admission the ukie air force is;


Next point. So the Russians have thier arty under an ADA umbrella?

Well Gee, Walley, what a surprise. The AF job is to destroy that umbrella. You do not get out much do you?
Ever hear of a HARM missle or a SEAD mission? You mission is to suppress, destroy and move on to more valuable targets to degrade the enemies ability to fight.
So I guess the ukie AF is ineffective at this also.

IF UKIE pilots were so great, they could do these basic requirements of any air force.
I thought you all also said that Russian pilots were all cowards and that is why they suck, not because of a training lapse.
Therefore the ukies should be able to attack and destroy them out of hand.

What do you mean they have no planes? We're these intrepid aviators all blown out of the sky?

Your casualty rates, as you know are suspect no one really knows how many have died on either side. But it is a commonality that ukie casualty rates are higher.

But that it is not the point. The point is you are comparing ground casualties to air casualties. Not the same and are a useless comparison.

The ukies have a hard row to hoe. And as of right now, by your own admission, thier Air force is ineffective.

Get out more and come back to us when you can talk intelligently.

Have a nice day. Is it still raining in Hanover?

Anonymous said...

"Kill 14,000 of his ethnic brothers." You're a dumbass — the 14,000 combat deaths in the Donbas war prior to Feb. 2022 represents the sum total of Ukrainian, Separatist, and Russian soldiers killed, as well as civilians. But that's exactly the kind of error idiots like you make, time and again, when you just repeat Russian propaganda.

Ukraine never threatened Russia, you clown. Russia invaded in 2014 after Ukrainians rejected Russian overlordship, and Ukraine has every right to defend itself.

No, the mission of Ukraine's Air Force is not a strategic bombing campaign to destroy Russia's mil-industrial base. It is to defend Ukrainian territory and airspace. Interesting fact: Air Forces can have other missions besides strategic bombing campaigns.

The fact that Russia's artillery is hiding under a ground-based air defense umbrella is exactly my point – if Russian air power was actually effective and had established air superiority, then Russian ground forces could operate with impunity, as you claim. Well, 15 months into the war, Russian warplanes remain stuck hiding behind their ground-based air defenses because of Ukraine's "ineffective" Air Force.

Fact: Russian pilots are cowards, and they have shitty training.

Fact: Ukrainian casualties are nowhere near as high as Russia's.

"Get out more."

Ah yes... I'm a former USAF pilot with plenty of combat time. Now I'm a war journalist and have lived in Ukraine since 2014. I've since this war firsthand since it started. But you know what, screw all that — let's trust some bullshit you've regurgitated from the internet.

Anonymous said...

Well fly boy . Got grounded did ya?
Your combat experience is not serving you well.

What did you fly? Trainers or garbage skows?

Not impressed. If you flew fighters then you know exactly what I am talking about. The NVA did not have much of an AF but great ADA. That's why you run those anti ADA missions.

And no , the Russian are not cowards , the are smart. They sit behind thier defences and destroy those that atrack. We do the same.

But by your own admission the ukies will fall.
Thier AF is INNEFECTIVE to change or shape the current battle space.
But you would know that and have to grudgingly admit it if you were a real combat pilot

Also one last thing Mr. Air Farce. if you had been prior service you would know there is a big difference between incompetent and inneffective.
Take your bullshit story elsewhere.

Btw Mr humanitarian the dead in donbass are dead. 14000 of them. And who killed them you clown?

The ukies never threatened the Russians? Oh, so trying to join NATO and putting an army on the Donbass front was not a threat? You really are deluded. We invaded Somolia, Bosnia, Grenada, Panama and Iraq for less.

Get your shit together rube.
So, is it still raining in Hanover?

Anonymous said...

"putting an army on the Donbass front was not a threat?" -- Russia invaded the Donbas in 2014. Ukraine was defending its territory, not threatening Russia.

"Btw Mr humanitarian the dead in donbass are dead. 14000 of them. And who killed them you clown?" -- That number includes Ukrainian soldiers and civilians killed by Russia.

"there is a big difference between incompetent and inneffective. Take your bullshit story elsewhere." -- I've lived in Kyiv throughout the entire full-scale war. I have not seen a single Russian warplane over the city. That is effective.

"But by your own admission the ukies will fall." -- Huh? Ukraine has taken back more than half the land that Russia invaded. Ukraine will win the war. Russia will lose, and idiots like you will go on trying to manufacture bullshit excuses why...just like you all are now trying to reverse engineer your earlier denials that Russia would invade in the first place.

"And no , the Russian are not cowards , the are smart. They sit behind thier defences and destroy those that atrack. We do the same." -- Huh? Russia is the invader and the aggressor. I'm sure you think that Russia's genius was on full display during the retreat from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, etc.... All part of Putin's master plan, dickwad?

"We invaded Somolia, Bosnia, Grenada, Panama and Iraq for less." -- So... we should let Russia rape and murder its way across Ukraine to atone for America's past wars? Maybe, and this is a wild thought, but maybe America and the West have the chance to support the side of the good (Ukraine) in a black and white war of good versus evil.

Again, I've lived in Ukraine since 2014. Have you been out to the front lines? Have you been to the Donbas? Because I have. And it's insane that douche bags like you think you have a monopoly on the truth based on a bunch of horseshit you hear from third-party sources in the internet.

I'll be sure to check in with you on this blog when Ukraine wins the war and Putin's reign is a rumor.