Thursday, May 11, 2023

Russia's Victory Day Parade 2023 (Full Video)


WNU Editor: It has been a very busy week, so I did not have a chance to watch the May 9th Victory Day parade until this morning. 

It was exactly as I had expected. A solemn event that was scaled back, the presence of heavy security, and a lot of TV images of stoned faced soldiers, politicians, and generals. 

The message from the parade was clear. Russia is a country that is at war. 

Every part of that parade carried a message. The lone T-34 tank that was instrumental in defeating the Nazis 78 years ago. Every branch of the military being represented. Showcasing its nuclear forces. Even before the beginning of the parade, at the 8:32 mark in the above video, you can see the man with Russian's nuclear briefcase only a few feet behind Putin. That was done on purpose. 

The Western media reaction to the parade was also expected .... Putin tried to project strength, but Moscow Victory Day parade revealed only his isolation (CNN). More here .... Putin’s ‘one-tank’ military parade was an embarrassment for Russia, analysts say (CNBC), and here .... Putin brutally mocked over lone vintage tank in Russia’s scaled-down Victory Day parade (NYPost). 

Even Putin's Victory Day speech was mocked .... Putin's Victory Day speech was as extreme as ever, claiming a 'real war' was being waged against Russia, even as his military had a measly showing at the celebration (Business Insider). 

This type of Western media coverage is unfortunate. It paints a false image on what is happening in Russia, and how many Russians see this conflict unfolding. 

Many Russians, if not most Russians, now see this war as an existential to the survival of the Russian state in its current form. That Western attempts to overthrow Russia's political system and to dismember the Federation must be resisted at all costs. That like the sacrifices that were done to win against the Nazis in the Second World War, the Russian people will need to sacrifice again to defend its borders and security. That was the message of this year's Victory Day Parade, and that was Putin's message in his speech.

I have yet to find a translated version of Putin's speech. But here are the main points ..... Globalist elites provoking bloody conflicts and coups – Putin (RT). More here .... In Victory Day Speech, Putin Says Russia’s ‘Future’ Depends on Troops in Ukraine (Moscow Times).


Anonymous said...

"In 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev invited foreign troops to the parade for the first time since the fall of the USSR, and included military units countries allied with the Soviet Union during World War II. Representation at the parade included contingents from France, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States and other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States."

Oh, how Russia has fallen.

Anonymous said...

@11:23 - Continuation

Russia's goals in this war from the start to the now scaled back and shifted goals that Russia has now implemented were never unattainable; just immensely high-risk and extremely costly. It has cost Russia everything and quickened the ideological divide like never before.

As for what the WNU editor claims to be hearing from those in Russia; sadly many have no choice but to sing to the tune of the State. We have reminded time and time again what happens when someone does not whistle and dance to the Kremlin's official position. Suggest you go elsewhere for those sources because the author will not report on them here.

I do not hate Russia or Russians. I have Russian friends, one of them I consider family. Russia sadly is not a country that has been able to thrive under Putin and its people are more oppressed than ever. No one wanted this war. It came to them, at the behest of the powerful.

I greatly fear where things are heading; but at no point do I believe that the West are somehow responsible for all of this and also capable of ending it or de-escalating it.

This is no longer Russia's war; everyone is invested and rightly so. It would suit Russia far too greatly for everyone to look the other-way while they completely and utterly destroy Ukraine, a sovereign country. And it is so damn easy to just turn the other cheek as some nations have done, either out of fear or relationship ties. Fear is the the biggest driving force that Russia has, fear of what they will do.

It's also one of their greatest weapons; and giving into them because of that fear could be the greatest mistake anyone could ever make.

Anonymous said...

Russia should have joined NATO. At the very least it would have been a book end opposite the American one propping the god forsaken Europeans up.

As such they would have had a lot of say.

Might Serbia be better off, if Russia was in NATO?

Anonymous said...

You so called people hated Russians just as much even before there was an indication they might invade Ukraine. The west has been blaming them for everything since President Trump hatched the mentally insane progressive left. Your problem isn’t Russia or Trump, your infected with the woke mind virus and you have no ability to reason anymore.

Anonymous said...

I pitty 12:08, such a brainwashed mentality and what a sad way to live your life.

Martin said...

You guys are truly propagandized.

So the US and Ukies did not bully any one or kill any one or threaten to put an antagonistic military alliance on another's border or set in motion all the requirements in place to leave the other Nation no choice but war?

Here is what you do. Do a logical comaparison:

Take all the crap that happened in Ukraine and from 2015 to 2022 and apply it to Mexico and tell me the US would not have invaded?

Yea, sure.

Your logic is crap, Your knowledge of history is crap. You will go on believing crap. You will live a deluded crap life.

You still cannot answer 5 questions.

Still believe 130 tanks in Ukraine by 1 MARCH

Said the Russians were surrendering and had no tanks left. You said the Russians were out of ammo. You said the Ukies would be in Crimea by Christmas.

You all are a bunch of liars. either that , or you are so deluded that an LSD addict has a better handle on reality than you do.

Hope all is well in Herndon.

BTW we heard Chis's chatGBT subscription was canceled. I guess we were wrong and he signed it over to you because your diction is getting a lot better.

Anonymous said...

Look at the size of russia, and compare the nato countries that are close to it. Its not a fuckin "blue" storm rolling over Russias borders.

Anonymous said...

No does not have to be for any nation. You never studied war or been in a modern conflict have you?