Monday, May 8, 2023

Senior Ukrainian Officials Admit That The Upcoming Counteroffensive May Not Live Up To Expectations

Senior Ukrainian officials fear counterattack may not live up to hype © Provided by The Washington Post  

Washingtopn Post: Senior Ukrainian officials fear counterattack may not live up to hype 

KYIV, Ukraine — The Ukrainian military has spent nearly 15 months exceeding the world’s expectations. Now, senior leaders are trying to lower those hopes, fearing that the outcome of an imminent counteroffensive aimed at turning the tide of the war with Russia may not live up to the hype. 

“The expectation from our counteroffensive campaign is overestimated in the world,” Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said in an interview this past week. “Most people are … waiting for something huge,” he added, which he fears may lead to “emotional disappointment.” 

The planned counterattack — made possible by donated Western weapons and training — could mark the most consequential phase of the war, as Ukraine seeks to snatch back significant territory and prove it is worthy of continued support.  

Read more .... 

Update: Washington Post: Ukrainian officials fear upcoming counteroffensive may not live up to expectations (Kyiv Independent)  

WNU Editor: The Washington Post paints a pessimistic analysis on the expected Ukraine counteroffensive.


fazman said...

The U.S , along with Russia has underestimated Ukranian tactical ingenuity, resolve , and tenacity since day 1.

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing that “Superpower” Russian still can’t manage to take the Donbass.
Don’t forgot, half of Ukraine support the Russian offensive, well at least that’s what we have been told here…

Anonymous said...

The russian strategy now is to hold on. Until China goes for Taiwan. The day that happens the US will pull out everything it has in Europe. Especially if the first battles are very costly. When the US stops all forms of aid to Ukraine including the biggest one money to pay government employees Ukraine will be in deep trouble. To be fair its not the best strategy but its basically what the UK did after France fell in 1940. Hold on until the US joined.

Anonymous said...

Russia waiting for Taiwan.

The Japanese waited for a better surrender deal. Then Hiroshima happened.

So keep on holding out for a better deal.

Anonymous said...

great tacticians here. Not.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainina offensive

Yes we will take Crimea by Christmas. NOT

They are going to die miserably. Yes so will the russians, but not as many.

IF. they use conventional tactics.

as stated

Ukies need a surprise angle. A MOAB or some other thing to surprise the russians otherwise it will be

Onward and upward into the meat grinder.

Ron said...

I am curious why the CIA is pushing that narrative? It is a Washington Post story, right?

Anonymous said...

Amazing how “super power” USA spent 15+ years in Afghanistan and only made the Taliban more powerful then they’ve ever been before. Don’t forget that

Hans Persson said...

Ron, downplaying the upcoming offensive that they have been telegraphing to the world for the last 6 months. Now it's getting close and and what if they cant even brake a single Russian line? Downplaying it to the plebs so we can correctly understand what they want us to understand.