Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sudan Battles Continue As Truce Talks Continue In Saudi Arabia


Al-Monitor/AFP: Sudan battles rage as Saudi hosts latest truce talks 

Gun battles and air strikes on Sunday again flared in Sudan's capital, which has been rocked by four weeks of fighting despite the latest ceasefire efforts backed by Saudi Arabia and the United States. 

Multiple truce deals have been declared and quickly violated since fighting erupted between army and paramilitary forces on April 15 in the poverty-stricken country with a history of political instability.

Fierce combat since then has killed at least 700 people, most of them civilians, wounded thousands and driven a mass of exodus of Sudanese and foreign nationals  

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Sudan Battles Continue As Truce Talks Continue In Saudi Arabia 

Fighting in Khartoum as mediators seek end to Sudan conflict -- Reuters  

Sudan: Clashes persist despite Saudi-hosted talks -- DW 

Sudan’s capital rocked by airstrikes ahead of first direct talks -- Times Of Israel 

Sudan fighting in its 23rd day: A list of key events -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

#1 Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700% and nearly 1,000%, respectively.

America needs to fight at home before fighting abroad.

Anonymous said...

Most of the woke zombies are confined to liberal cities. Cordon them off and cut the power and they’ll take care of themselves.