Friday, May 19, 2023

Syrian President Assad Gets A Warm Welcome At The Arab League Summit


Al Jazeera: Assad gets warm welcome as Syria welcomed back into Arab League 

Syrian president attends first regional bloc summit since his country’s suspension over crackdown on anti-government protests in 2011. 

After more than a decade of isolation, Bashar al-Assad, the president of war-torn Syria, has been welcomed back into the Arab League.

Al-Assad on Friday attended the regional bloc’s 32nd summit that kicked off in Saudi Arabia’s port city of Jeddah for the first time since his country’s suspension following the eruption of war in Syria in 2011.  

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WNU Editor: It looks like he never left.

 Syrian President Assad Gets A Warm Welcome At The Arab League Summit  

Syria's Assad wins warm welcome at Arab summit after years of isolation -- Reuters 

Arab embrace of Assad underscores divergence with U.S. over Syria -- Washington Post 

Syria’s Bashar al-Assad returns to Arab League after years of isolation -- The Guardian

 Syria's Assad sheds pariah status despite 12 years of brutality -- Axios


Anonymous said...

I’ve seen many interviews with Assad while the Isis cancer was destroying Syria. Very down to earth, very well spoken. The Syrian people love and respect him. Why did we try and conduct a regime change on him exactly? Why didn’t we arm him to the teeth when he and his country was fighting Isis? Instead we bombed him and his country. The US will get what it’s owed sooner or later. I’m an American Veteran but I’m practical and sympathetic. Most live so far inside the box these days that they don’t even know an outside exists. 📦 🌎

Anonymous said...


No reason to do what we did to that country. It was all part of neocon bullshit ideology.

People scream about why Russia is bad is because "they invaded"

Then they say nothing or actually support this Syrian invasion that we did. Not to mention the continued occupation or the illegal extraction of wealth.

Bullshit, a bunch of hypocrites.

Semper fi

Anonymous said...

Imagine walking up to a man that spent billions sending bloodthirsty jihadists to kill your people over half a decade and kissing him on the cheek. If Assad can do it then peace should be possible anywhere.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. This is amazing.

Anonymous said...

My pecker gets had when a russian troll uses "sempre fi" at the end of a diatribe

Anonymous said...


That's because you are a pervert.

Anonymous said...

Nah, it just means I want to beat the heck out of you and then ask your GF out. I have no use for trolls.

Anonymous said...

You’re so strong and bad ass, let me hold your white sunglasses for you king.

Anonymous said...

Yu are so pout of character for the persona you were trying to wear. Fucking pathetic.

Try hiding behind a fig leaf next time. you will have better luck.

Anonymous said...

To 3:41

form 2:04

Any time sonny. I look forward to driving a screwdriver thru your eyeball.

You punks are all the same, Talk big no action. you are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

yep. 🤡 📦

Anonymous said...

Assad is steady imo

Anonymous said...

eat a bag.

Anonymous said...

one more brave step on your journey out of the closet. you can do it

Anonymous said...

you're probably a paraplegic

Roger29palms said...

I think the acceptance of Assad back into the fold says America has declined in status in the mid east.