Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Fall Of Bakhmut -- The Numbers


WNU Editor: The above video is focused on what the Russian Ministry of Defense says are Ukraine losses in the battle for Bakhmut.


Anonymous said...

All what a bunch of lies, fake news and disinformation from the WNU editor. He and his ilk are pro Putin defeatist. We are not deceived .

Here is the real deal. The truth and facts direct from the Ukrainian AFU HQ

DTG 20252023 2000HRS GMT


Russian orcs are spreading propaganda that Bakhmut has been captured!

This is a lie!!! Russian running dogs and thier deluded puppets are trying to Sabotage our moral and fighting spirit.

THEY WILL FAIL. The glorious Armed Forces of the Motheland can never be defeated. The 5th Super Slav (SS) division Viking is currently destroying the enemy in every part of the sector. To the north and south the II Super Slav (SS) Panzer Corps is cutting off the enemy retreat and preparing for follow on operations in Crimea.

Do not listen to the lies of these RUSSIAN Jackals!!!

Our American and European allies stand behind us 1000%. Just like they did the valient Vietnamese and Afghanis. We cannot fail!!

Comrade Zelinski is always right.
We will be victorious as long as we remain true to traveling the righteous LBGTQXX ROAD!!!
Our path is set and it is to glory


We will never allow a former Restaurant Owner and a bunch of EX CONs to defeat the best trained, best equipped and most valiant army in the History of UKRAINE!!!


Long live the mothetland!!


End Message..

Anonymous said...

Who was it that was saying. Well the Russian army sucks and they are incompetent. And Wagner is just a Bunch of Convicts with no skills and no will to fight.

What follows is a partial list at the Ukrainian units destroyed in Bakhmut.

I post this not because I am happy about it or see any victory.

I post it because I am sick of all The Ukie support group liars. FAZ, Chris, Mr Fair and Balanced and the crew at Hanover for repeating a bunch of narrative swill and castigating the rest of us when we told them to check thier facts.

But no, they just kept lieing

So here ya go...

Who of the Ukraine was decimated in Bakhmut:

45th Brigade
43rd Brigade
26th Brigade
28th Brigade
62nd Brigade
63rd Brigade
53rd Brigade
60th Brigade
24th Brigade
57th Brigade
30th Brigade
Advance Rubizh Brigade
Advance Azov Brigade
Advance Uragan Brigade
Advance Spartan Brigade
109th Brigade
116th Brigade
119th Brigade
241st Brigade
93rd Brigade
77th Brigade
46th Brigade
4th Brigade
17th Brigade
61st Brigade of Jaegers
Special Forces and Spetsnaz Regiments:
5th Assault Regiment
8th Regiment of Special Forces
Kraken Battalions:
122nd Battalion
68th Battalion
214th OPFOR Battalion
49th Rifle Battalion
15th Mountain Assault Battalion
Border Guard Donetsk
8th Regiment of the UDAR UAVs:
WASP Legions:
Dudaev Battalion
Georgian Legion
Mansur Battalion
Shamil Battalion
Normandy Legion

Most of these battalions have suffered more than 70% casualties just against PMC Wagner.

Yes some of these units still exist. But only because they are now full of replacements,

Anonymous said...

Calm yourself you silly boy

fazman said...

Lol , again with the Tass news report lol. Even of they did take bhakmut , the fact it took 10 months shows how garbage they are. Fortress Kiev would take 10 years at that rate
A is right , Ukraine may well encircle the town , calm down Kremlin cheerleader

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

I would rather see the numbers instead of watch a docudrama. WNU seems to like dramas or telenovelas.

Anonymous said...

Great FAZ. Your glorious ukie army got the crap kicked out of it by a bunch of EX cons and a former burger flipper