Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The White House Is ‘Relieved’ That It Is The UK Crossing Russia's Red Line By Providing Long Range Missiles To Ukraine

FILE PHOTO: A MBDA Storm Shadow missile at the Farnborough Airshow. © BEN STANSALL / AFP

WNU Editor: Politico broke this story .... No ATACMS to Ukraine following U.K. move (Politico). 

The key part is here ....

 .... The Biden administration has no plans to follow Britain’s lead in sending long-range missiles to Ukraine — with some officials saying the U.S. is now off the hook thanks to the U.K.’s planned delivery. 

London is set to send missiles with a range of 300 km, or nearly 200 miles, The Washington Post’s KAREN DeYOUNG reports. That’s the same range as the Army Tactical Missile System, known as ATACMS, that Washington has refused to transfer to Kyiv. 

Not surprising. Russian media is covering this story extensively .... Washington ‘relieved’ UK will cross red line for Kiev – Politico (RT). 

As to what is my take. 

This is another massive escalation in the conflict. 

Ukraine does not have the expertise or training to handle these weapon systems. That means the UK will need to provide their own soldiers to handle the targeting data and other critical parts of this system. 

UK soldiers being deployed to Ukraine to fire missiles against Russian forces?!?!?!? 

Sighhh .... it looks like this is the direction that this war is heading.


Anonymous said...

WNU.. as long as Russia is occupying Ukraine territory, this will keep escalating.
My advice - if you too want to avoid a bigger war - talk to your Russian contacts. The West is not at war.. we don't feel a thing of it yet. but once we do - once we have to go through pain - believe me, we will act out and target Russia much, much, much more.. so it is in all participants interest to start cooling this down. Your job is to talk to your Russian contacts and explain this basic matter. At one point we will have had enough too. We are a patient people, but sooner or later, this will be it.

Anonymous said...

I do not know where you live but we here in Sweden we certainly feel the effects off the war.

Suddenly the prices have gone upp so much that I have gone from middle class to almost poor. Maybe I can scramble enough cash to go to Poland for a week with my family. That is probobly what my budget permits.

US is not hurt that much but here in Sweden life is not so fun anymore. It feels since Covid and oneward life has become much more boring and expensive.

Anonymous said...

"This is another massive escalation in the conflict."

"Sighhh .... it looks like this is the direction that this war is heading."

Escalation? Oh you mean Russia pummeling a country with long-range missiles that Ukraine themselves are incapable of returning fire with? Russia has set the standards upon which the war is being waged, as they are the aggressor here. What Ukraine does with those missiles is up to them, and it is certainly justified in defending themselves.

Anonymous said...

The question is not whether or not to fight. That horse has left the barn.

And you fight with the weapons you have. The ukies do not have long range missiles and when they have them, they will be used.

The larger point to this article that the editor makes is that no one is dialing down.

Escalation is the driving word.

Go ahead, keep cheering the pattern of escalation. You may even get to see a nice red glow on the horizon.

Of course, gifts like that demand reciprocal kindness, right?

Yes, they do.

And it really does not matter who starts it at that point. Because it becomes a circle firing squad.

What does the nice lady say? Oh yea, now I remember.

You get what you give.

Anonymous said...

@353am: sure, we feel a bit of inflation.. my point is this: we expect no hardship in comparison to what Ukraine experiences, so our response is very very mild.
IF this gets any harder in our countries - I expect a massive escalation. We will not just accept Russia's pov anymore - which we have a lot, since we recognize the expansion of nato and accept to bear some of the responsibility.
But our patience is getting very thin, I think - therefore my advice to all Russians reading this.. rudder back.. do not support this war any further, or it will end in a catastrophe for all.

Anonymous said...


The only escalation was when Russia invaded. It has all been denouement since then.

Putin is like Putin. He miscalculated.

Hans Persson said...


And i know you're telling the truth.

Things is not as fun and jolly as it might seem, and most of us don't approve the war or any escalations at all. But from my experience the brainwashing is strong even here. Hopefully Elon and Tucker can change our path, if twitter doesn't get banned that is. Say what you want about those two, but at least it seems they are genuinely trying something.

But he has a point, at some crossroad, we will have had enough and just stop supporting the war.

Ron said...

I wonder if America will react patriotically with war against Russia if we get hurt from some event. From my myopic viewpoint, Americans are hurting, not because of Russia but because of the lunatic globalist left who are pulling Biden's strings. Going to war will not make us better. I suspect if we have a moment of real crisis with Russia over Ukraine, the blob/tptb/elitist or whatever you want to call them will go in the opposite direction of the American populace. War yes, but no support from the American peeps. We want things to get better not worse. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

@3:53 and Hans. Being in an ultra left wing country doesn’t help either. Your own governments are waging a war on your own mining and farming industry. Money being spent hand over fist on migrants is a factor. And let’s not forget being allied with the United States which is currently being destroyed by an old as hell, crooked, dementia ridden mental patient. Who do you honestly believe sabotaged the energy pipeline from Russia. Hint: it’s only going to get worse Hans. Best of luck to you guys.

Hans Persson said...


I know...
At least now we're having a right leaning government. For now.

Anonymous said...

The western people have become too docile, lazy. This is what years of drinking Bud Light has done to us
๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿง  ๐Ÿ’€

Hans Persson said...

"We want things to get better not worse"

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Warning 2 the earth ๐ŸŒŽ

Anonymous said...

U people better control your governments now before it's 2 late

Anonymous said...

Yours governments are out of control