Friday, May 19, 2023

Tonight's Movie Is 'Patton'


WNU Editor: One of my favorite war movies.


Anonymous said...

Excellent flick and an Excellent Tank commander

Anonymous said...

Patton was a homosexual.

Knew how to conduct maneuver warfare though.

Anonymous said...

And your a Tranny. Now go finish that Bud light gay boy

Anonymous said...

expect a leftist deepstate surprise soon

they will of course find a sleepy right wing dude they can tie up in some delivery truck.. don't you worry

Anonymous said...

wanker wanking

Anonymous said...

TWO AMERICAS: Liberal Celebrity Chef Gets Exemption From Gas Stove Ban in California City

Anonymous said...

"“The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were still intact when it arrived in Saltdale. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit,” the company said through a spokesperson."

There should be pellets on the track

Anonymous said...

"So Jose Andres thinks it's better for cooking and gets to have a gas stove, but not you plebes."

Democrats ruin everything.

Anonymous said...

However, that success did not last long because Dems do not tolerate dissent; thus the next downstream casualty was freedom of speech. Biden’s militarized DOJ declared that parents speaking against the Dem’s woke school agenda are now classified as domestic terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Slap happy posted at 7:17 AM. They just finished ogling their first group of pictures.

Anonymous said...

More Than One-Quarter of Illinois Counties Have Passed Referendums to Explore Seceding From State

NBC 5 Chicago | November 10, 2022

Anonymous said...

and sure, no govt money for them. That state gets more money from the federal govt than it pays in.

Guy Lane said...

Great movie - I am assuming it was mostly true. In which case, great general - great, but flawed general...