Monday, May 8, 2023

Turkey Angrily Rejects US Request That It Gives Ukraine Its S-400 Air Defense System

Military vehicles and equipment, parts of the S-400 air defense systems, are unloaded from a Russian transport aircraft, at Mürted military airport in Ankara, Türkiye, July 12, 2019. (AP Photo)  

Middle East Monitor: Turkiye rejected US proposal to send Russian S-400 defense system to Ukraine: Foreign minister  

Washington once proposed that Turkiye send to Ukraine the S-400 missile defense system it bought from Russia but which the US objected to, but Ankara refused this proposal, said the Turkish foreign minister. 

As it claimed the S-400 system had to exclude Türkiye from the F-35 fighter jet program, the US proposed to Turkiye that it give control of the system to the US or another country, including Ukraine, as it tries to fight off Russian forces, said Mevlut Cavusoglu.

"The US asked us to send the S-400s to Ukraine, and we said no," he said, explaining that these proposals were unacceptable as they sought to infringe Turkish sovereignty.  

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Turkey Angrily Rejects US Request That It Gives Ukraine Its S-400 Air Defense System  

Türkiye rejected US proposal to send S-400s to Ukraine: Top diplomat -- Daily Sabah  

Deploy S-400 To Ukraine; Turkish FM Says US Offered Multiple Proposals To Get Hold Of Russia’s Top Defense System -- EurAsian Times  

Turkey rejected US proposal to send Russian S-400 defense systems to Ukraine: FM -- Al Arabiya News  

Turkey rejects US proposal to give Ukraine S-400 system -- Kyiv Independent

Turkey Angrily Rejects US Request To Give Ukraine S-400 Air Defense System -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

What cynical US crap.

That would just entangle the Turks more into the Ukrainian quagmire.

Ukraine along with its sanction baggage, is a tar baby. Once you touch it, and then the more you try to get away from it , the more it sucks you in.

Orbin and the Turks know what the deal is. Best to stay the hell out of that mess until the dust settles.

The Europeans? A circle firing squad, if there ever was one.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine and USA aside, Turkey and Russia have both shot down each other's jets over Syria. Seems like a non starter of an idea to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Sidenote: It's nice to see some of these news aggregators start to use Turkiye's actual name. It's hard to switch as an individual after a lifetime of saying Turkey, but for journalistic professionals it should be done as a matter of simple respect.

Anonymous said...

Small history refresher:

Turkey unsuccessfully negotiated with the US about a Patriot transfer beginning in 2009. US officials didn't want to sell, they were more interested in renting them to Turkey. When Erdogan resigned himself to the fact that the Patriots weren't for sale, and that a rental agreement was a potential blackmail chip (for example, US officials could pack and leave Turkey unprotected at any time if "human rights" in Turkey are not according their liking), they turned to the open market and got one from Russia in 2019. Then Turkey was kicked out of the F-35 program and Lockheed lost an order for over 100 A models because they purchased this S-400 battery.

Now they're being asked to turn it over for another NATO member's defense? You would have better luck trying to buy one from Russia itself.

Anonymous said...

And they didn't even paid back the money Turkye invested in the program