Monday, May 8, 2023

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

WNU, please watch and repost this.
A nightmarish law is coming into effect, concerning ALL nations in the World.

Please, for the love of God watch this. I even skipped 2min ahead for you, so you can watch the parliament discussion right away

Anonymous said...

I watched -- > Why do they give the president of the WHO these powers? It is insane, what is going on??

Why can an unelected guy outrank my president and even command our economy and military --

Given the track record of this guy (stinking of corruption and mass murder) who would be so insane to allow this?

Also, the WHO seems to now be a private organization, no longer a public body.. they are funded 84% by Pharma and the Gates foundation.

I'm flabbergasted - thanks for sharing!!