Thursday, May 18, 2023

Ukraine Media Is Saying The U.S. Will Announce A $60 Billion Aid Package To Ukraine In September

Ukrinform: US preparing $60 billion aid package for Ukraine 

 In September, the USA plans to announce an aid package for Ukraine for 2024. 

"In autumn, we will announce another aid package that will support Ukraine throughout 2024. We are now discussing this $60 billion package which I think will be implemented in September. The package is planned to be agreed before the US presidential elections," Kurt Volker, former U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, told a briefing in Odesa, Ukrinform reports.  

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WNU Editor: I have lost count on how much aid the West has given to Ukraine since the start of the war. But I do know that among my remaining family members, friends, and contacts in Ukraine, they are all telling me the same thing. They have yet to see a cent of this aid.


Ron said...

Because the government jumped the shark and damaged many lives with their Covid tyranny nonsense, they came to "save us" with trillions of dollars of printed money. Much of that money has not been spent. I think Biden has discretion as to how it is spent. McCarthy is trying to claw that money back in his debt negotiations. I can't see the house approving a 60 billion dollar bailout for Ukraine, however I could be wrong on that point. Anyways, watch that Covid money and see how hard Biden fights to protect it. The 60 billion has to come from somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Just more money down a rat hole. Every couple weeks we see another article about Ukrainian corruption. Just like the recent supreme court chief justice. And that is just one of many. Hans asked if this was part of some money laundering scheme. Sure looks that way.

Anonymous said...

Easy prediction Ukraine will not deter from fighting their freedom from invader

Anonymous said...

yep and us will poor more money down rat hole to see they have the weapons to die with

Anonymous said...

Chris had it right. Not detecting as much smokestack activity over Russia.

Better pull it put before it gets wacked off.

Ukraine said "No" and no means no.

Anonymous said...

Poor american tax payers. Many americans are starving while many corrupt UKRAINIANS benefiting from billions of billions of dolllars

Anonymous said...

Chris is wrong. If he was right , why are the europeans saying they cannot match Russian weapons and ammo production?

Why is it that World bank/IMF predict Russian GDP growth again next quarter?

Why are there no reports of wide spread unemployment, lack of food in grocery stores or other symptoms of economic hardship?

I guess you just ignore the replies to that post from yesterday because it did not fit your narrative?

The ukies government has nowhere to go. They are stuck , to end this war would mean the end of their precious careers and livelihoods, so too bad if you are regular guy in the Ukraine. your life means nothing.

There will be no peace because the west wants it that way.

Anonymous said...

Is Chris still trying to pretend that the Russian economy is toast and the Russians are going to lose any day now? I really think you all need a new magic 8 ball.

By the way it is extremely sad, and I keep telling you all that this Ukrainian army thing is not working. There are reports that the Ukrainians lost over 1500 men last week during their supposed" offensive". Reports say a whole regiment got wiped out and a battalion of Azov guys.

Anyone can confirm?

Anonymous said...

if you are not american then you are not in the position to react. I guess leave it to americans that oppose the present situation

Anonymous said...

If you are not an America.

Well how cute. get your logic from the back of a candy wrapper?

Cannot refute the solid points of the argument so you respond in non sequiturs and false argumentatives.

What? Did not think a bunch of deplorables would catch that?

You all are so predictably arrogant.

Now go to your fourth monitor and follow your script and check zero hedge or the daily Kos and comment there.

And while you are at it , apply for that diversity job.

Hans Persson said...

We can't match because we're not in a war economy yet. Come on guy.

Anonymous said...


maybe so. But the key is tha these guys believe the Russian economy is sunk, where the facts do not support that at this time.

That cannot be if the industrial production is doing well. and that is just one indicator.

What I do not like is the knee jerk reaction of some of these guys. It is Russia bad all the time, every time. Russia could turn into the incarnation of Jesus christ and they would still bad mouth it,.


Hans Persson said...

That I agree on. Fully.