Saturday, May 13, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky In Rome To Meet Italian Leaders And Pope Francis Zelenskyy in Rome to meet with Italian officials, Pope Francis  

Ukrainian president is set for talks with Prime Minister Meloni before seeing the pontiff. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is in Rome on Saturday to meet with Italian officials and Pope Francis. 

“Today in Rome,” Zelenskyy tweeted in the morning, calling the trip “an important visit for approaching victory of Ukraine.” 

He was greeted at a military airfield at Rome’s Ciampino airport by Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani. “We reaffirm our support for the Ukrainian people in defending freedom and democracy,” Tajani said.  

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 Ukraine President Zelensky In Rome To Meet Italian Leaders And Pope Francis 

Zelenskyy Meets With Italy's Premier Before Talks With The Pope -- VOA  

Ukraine's Zelensky meets Pope Francis in Rome -- BBC 

Pope Francis meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Vatican -- AP  

Italian leaders express 'full support' for Ukraine during Zelensky visit -- UPI


Anonymous said...

Nice sweater and cargos pants. Looks funnier with his wife wearing a pantsuit next to him. She might've stolen it from kim jong un's closet beforehand, but at least she put in some effort.

Anonymous said...

If Zelensky wore Armani or a tux, when there needs to be a maximum effort at the front, you would complaint the cost of the clothes.

Anonymous said...

No tell the bum to go online and buy a suite from JC Penny.

And that maximum effort crap is just that crap.

Because if you had maximum effort they would have public show trials of all the corrupt ukie leaders and have them hanged on televised broadcast.

The SBU should be rounding these traitors up and returning the stolen supplies and money back to the units. That should be televised also.

But it will never happen and ukie land will remain a criminal black hole.

And no this is not a comparison to Russia, the USA or Narnia. It is ukie land by itself. They get our money and they pocket it. They get supplies and thier soldiers die because the soldiers don't receive it.
Zelinski and that crew are a band of thugs. Just like Karizhi in Afghanistan or the thugs in vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Russia is having a bad day on the battlefield:

Anonymous said...

Wmu doesnt report that kind of stuff here

Anonymous said...

Yes he does meat head. It will be later tonight or tomorrow. He does not have a desk at Herndon with 3 or 4 monitors in front of him so he can troll a regimented selection of web sites.

As for the ruskies and ukies, yep back and forth. To hear the Msm version, You would think it was the Battle of Britain and the whole russiain air force was shot down instead of 4 or 6 lousy aircraft.

It is a long way to Tipperary buddy, and we ain't there yet.

Did you ever apply for that GS6 Diversity Officer job?
You would do well.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see Zelensky he's dressed like a bum and has a ratty-looking beard. Disgusting that he is the leader of Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

above prefer fat tummy Trump with tie down to his small dick and his hair looking like it was just watered down by a fire hose, used to rinse off the catsup from his mouthful of fries.

Anonymous said...

How Trump presidency could change Ukraine war

Anonymous said...

At least that fat tummy clown covered in ketchup didn’t drive us into WW3

Anonymous said...

I had not known we were in WWII
have you been drafted?
Trump of course would not say a bad word or do a bad thing to upset Puttin. Name a time he ever did!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Russians are in deep shit. They lost 2 planes and 2 helos inside Russian territory (Bryansk) in one day. One helo was an M* electronic warfare helo. Nos survivors. 9 dead.
Something is up.

Their equipment must be second rate.

Pucker factor for Russian pilots must be high now.

So not only do the Russians have to make new aircraft, but they have to grow the pilots. The pipeline is not short for pilot ascensions.

Need to retire Putin to a gated community on Bora Bora and let the Russians stand up a new government. It still could be allied with China, but it can't be invading Ukraine. Hold plebiscites for the blasts.

Or we could march on Moscow, have thermonuclear war, ... the possibilities are endless.

Young Communist said...

Dog meet dogs and pope Francesco.

Tajani is a guarantee to be loyal to US and NATO, and useless to any other issues.
Meloni once citicized to be anti-UE and pro-Putin position, but we know that once in power all become loyal dogs of Washington, both in economy and foreign policy (and who are not perfectly aligned where ousted, like Conte).

Rewarded with another push to their fascist-revisionist heritance in italian policy and culture: part to a global fascist agenda inside the liberist one.

From fascist Right, to "moderate" Left, they make trash of Article 11 of our Constitution: "Italy repel the war as a method to resolve conflicts", they now go well with the ukronazi puppet.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Ukraine has had a NATO ammo dump turned into a mushroom cloud.

Anonymous said...

Trade the ammo dump for the 4 warbirds the Russians had shot down.

Ammo can be replaced. The Russian pilots not so much.

fazman said...

With replacements inbound, how about you quiver in your boots at the mention of the words storm shadow

fazman said...

He wanted ammo not a ride , giy will go down in history books as Winston MK 2 .

Anonymous said...

The west started this war when it for some reason felt the need to overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014 and install dumbshit Zelensky who represents the US, not Ukrainian citizens

Anonymous said...

Fazman I can’t wait till your hometown gets H-bombed

Anonymous said...

lol the rump state's history books

Anonymous said...

Wasn't storm shadow one of the Mech-Warrior choices?

Anonymous said...

boom thank you

Anonymous said...

The personal attacks against wnu are bizarre.