Sunday, May 14, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky Visits Paris For Talks With Macron


VOA/AP: Zelenskyy Makes Surprise Visit to Paris for Talks With Macron 

Paris — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a surprise visit to Paris for talks Sunday night with French President Emmanuel Macron, extending a multi-stop European tour that has elicited fresh pledges of military support as his country gears up for a counteroffensive against Russian occupation forces. 

Macron’s office announced the Paris leg of Zelenskyy’s trip, and France dispatched a plane to pick up Zelenskyy in Germany, where he met Chancellor Olaf Scholz earlier Sunday. 

Macron’s office said the two leaders will hold talks over dinner and that Macron will “reaffirm France and Europe’s unwavering support to reestablish Ukraine in its legitimate rights and to defend its fundamental interests.”  

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Ukraine President Zelensky Visits Paris For Talks With Macron  

Live: Zelensky makes surprise visit to Paris for talks on Ukraine's urgent needs -- France 24  

Russia-Ukraine war – as it happened: Zelenskiy arrives in France to meet Macron after Germany visit -- The Guardian  

Zelensky makes surprise visit with Macron -- The Hill  

Zelensky arrives in Paris, meets Macron on third leg of European tour -- Kyiv Independent  

France pledges more military air for Ukraine as Zelensky makes surprise visit to Paris -- Market Watch


Anonymous said...

Still on his begging tour I see. He doesn’t have the manpower or resources to win a conflict against Russia but he just keeps going at it. Some idiot here said he’ll be remembered as a modern Winston Churchill or something ridiculous like that. In reality he will have caused the death of nearly a million Ukrainians by the time this is over, displaced over ten million of his so called country folk and will leave every Ukrainian left in the world a stateless immigrant living of the work of everyone else. $3k a month in Canada, nearly a thousand bucks more than a maximum EI claim in Alberta. Riddle me that one

Anonymous said...

Not to worry after this, Zelinski will get a job as a commentator "expert" on CNN and make 10 million a year.

The Ukrainian soldiers he will leave behind?

He will not give them a second thought as their bodies rot to make fertilizer for next years potato crop.

This guy is in the same mold as obama or Marcon or any other globalist. He is a flim-flam man. Pure and simple.

Anonymous said...

fucking Zelenskyy seems to be everywhere, wearing the same dirty clothes....guy ought dress like a President and not a mercenary

fazman said...

You are an imbecile, Putin has caused the deaths, pure and simple. Hardly a beggar , anymore than Putin upskirting the Mullahs and ol Kim. It is Nato that should apply to join Ukraine .

fazman said...

Yes, you wouldn't want the general population or troops to relate to their leader, if that was reversed you can bet that Putin would have chosen a flight over ammo day 1

Anonymous said...

It is NATO that should apply to join Ukraine. That one takes the cake in the years I’ve been reading this blog. You just outed yourself as someone who doesn’t take any of this seriously. Just another Troll 🧌

Anonymous said...

Very true. But I do like potatoes 🥔. Maybe we should be thanking Zelensky for the several generations worth of fertilizer. Bit of a pun in there for those of you who are clever enough to get it

Anonymous said...

Fazman, Deluded as ever.

This guy is not Putin. Get it? NOT Putin.

This is not Putin, Zelinski comparison time.

Nor is it Zelinsky, Ned Kelly comparison time , nor Zelinski , Winston Churchill comparison time nor Zelinski Adolf hitler comparison time.

No. This is zelinski time.

Relate to thier leader? Oh, I am sure those poor bastards In the trenches relate to zelinski. Most of those guys were everyday workers from the mines, mills and farms.

Zelinski? That fat little SOB never worked a day in his life, nor gotten his finger nails dirty.

Never shot a gun in anger. I bet he has never been shot at!!

He is a actor/fraud. Pure and simple.

But you go ahead and believe he is another General Grant or General Giap.

What non sense.

Anonymous said...

War really is lucrative by all indications Vladimir Putin is 100% right, why can't Russia sell weapons to the west when they are attacked by themselves? Ukraine still defends its false innocence and sovereignty full of lies, deaths, abuses and corruption, shame on zelenko to go out asking countries for help when attacked, and the war he is losing and will lose and wants help from those who have nothing to do with it ??? clowning ...

fazman said...

Ukraine is doing the heavy lifting and when the dust settles Nato will ha e set Russia's military back 2 decades without the loss of any men..what a coup. Fuck Putin , he will be lucky if he doesn't swallow a radioactive cup of tea .

fazman said...

Yet he stayed behind , wow huh. Ronnie Ray gun was an actor and boy did the Russians fear him

Anonymous said...

11:39 PM
tell us your war background you fucking bigmouth , know nothing, wanker
Mre Anon badmouth his better. Why then is Z the man of year at Time and in most of Europe>
you suck putin dick

Anonymous said...


Upset are we? Things not going your way? Well, how sad. Stop getting your news from a gum ball machine and start looking for a better disposition. Things will improve.

Anonymous said...

zelinski is Time's man of the year?

HAHAHAHAHAHA. what a joke. It is like Obama getting the Noble peace prize for doing nothing. another joke.

What? Is some how zelinski being on the cover of a propaganda rag somehow legitimizes him? get real.

It just means that the progressive liberal globalist blob supports this thug. Next years man of the year will be a "person" of the year and be a transvestite holding a can of bud light.

Zelinski will be in familiar company.

And Most of Europe? You mean the ever glorious EU who hates Orban, who is destroying farmers, and who has tried to force immigration down other countries throats? So they are responsible for huge ghettos and the rape of hundreds of women?
You mean that "most of Europe" ??

What you really mean is the elites. Those who rule and do not give a crap of what happens to the common man.

Your arguments are flawed. Your logic sucks and your ideological dementia is showing. You lack of historical reference and understanding marks you as an ignoramus.

Anonymous said...

11:39 PM
phucking asshole

Anonymous said...

ladies dumping on Fazman here are gossipy school girls. make your own comment instead of spitting venom at a person making comments.

fazman said...

You're the troll, name another military in Europe with the combat experience of ukraine lol
Doesn't have the resources to win ...lmfao troll, Russia woth 3 to 1 advantage (even with NATO's help) can't seem to win either.

Anonymous said...

Don't fall for it pal. This fazman guy is a real peice of work. He only comes here to antagonise others while he sits at home and sniggers behind his keyboard. Immature little jerk. Definitely not a decent family man as he would like to have you believe.

Anonymous said...

Leave Fazman alone you ass. You don't care for what he swas? move on. we do not care for your girlie venom. mind your own shabby life and grow the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

"Why then is Z the man of year at Time and in most of Europe"

Because Time man of the year is nothing buy globalist propaganda! Surely you know this? If not, you have been drinking the kool-aid with no reservation!

Anonymous said...

Fazzy is a jerk. You must be Minnie jazzy.

This is ludicrous. Fazzy would not get a drubbing if he did not deserve it. Fazzy is posts non sensical platitudes and misleading comments. What is he?Your counter part in Alice springs as part of a five eyes propaganda effort in cooperation with Herndon?

Get real. Fazzy has never said anything positive concerning peace or has he ever admired he has been wrong. What does that mean?

Can you say arrogant? Can you say ideologue puppet? Why yes you can.

Anonymous said...

Great Fazzy

The fasman rule applies again.

Yea, the ukies have the most combat experience in Europe. Experience at dying, shooting prisoners and being a leach on the EU and USA for equipment and supplies.

If Russia wins this war and that is a real big if:


The world will be haunted by Ukie thug mercenaries for years after. They will flee thier slav mud pit ( a rump state) and reek havoc throughout the world.

PMCs , private armies, Intel agencies, criminal elements, will all have these thugs.

Africa, Mexico, and any other countries in conflict will see these guys in operation, not to mention in the criminal gangs and cartels.

Anonymous said...

If Russia is so militarily incompetent, then why did Finland rush into NATO so quickly? No one has answered that yet. More to the story than what is being told.

Anonymous said...

Spot on 👍

Anonymous said...

to pick on Fazman and/or any other person commenting is a teen girl thing. say what you want to say without having the need to belittle someone else who might not agree with you or who seems to upset your cute little emotions.

Anonymous said...

No, its not picking , though it might seem to be in your adolescent mind.

Fazman creates his own whirlpool of criticism. He falls into the category of :

You get what you give.

He cares not who dies and who suffers. This war is a game for him. It effects him in no way, shape or form. He is happy the Minsk accords failed. He is happy the russians attacked the Ukraine. He is happy that thousands of those poor bastards sit in the trenches as we type. He is happy about the war.

He sits at home drinking Roo beer and eating polish sausage and spewing western narratives with no critical thought going into what he says.
Putin is a evil? Have you ever hear Fazzy say that about zelinski?

Or how about all the horrid things the ukies did to thier own people. No, not a squeak from old faz.

No, old Worm, I mean fazman, is not a very nice person at all.

These slavs are good at killing each other and the Blob in DC just smiles and parties right along. No sense in encouraging them. Especially repeating in ad nauseam, their crap narrative.

Which Fazzy likes to do.

By the way, How are things in Herndon today? Oh, I am sorry, you are in Hanover.

Have a great day.