Monday, May 8, 2023

Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Vows To Continue Killing Russians Worldwide

Yahoo News: 'We will keep killing Russians,' Ukraine's military intelligence chief vows  

Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, told Yahoo News that Russian forces no longer have the ability to launch a “serious offensive anywhere in Ukraine.” 

KIYV, Ukraine — The light is dim and the windows are sandbagged. Classical music plays on an unseen speaker somewhere. The man sitting at the large wooden desk, in this fortified bunker office on the Rybalsky Peninsula, on the edge of the Dnipro River, has a pistol holstered at his side. 

 “They’ve been trying to charge me with terrorism since 2016,” Maj. Gen. Kyrlo Budanov, the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, said. “But I want to begin by saying that the things they call ‘terrorism,’ we call liberation. And this began not because I went mad and started killing people in Moscow. It happened because they invaded our country back in 2014.”  

Read more ....  

Update: Ukraine vows to continue killing Russians worldwide (RT)  

Update #2: Kiev to 'keep killing Russians anywhere on face of world': Spy chief (Al Mayadeen)  

WNU Editor: I have a feeling that Ukraine Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov is not long for this world.


Anonymous said...

This should put to rest any argument about whether or not the current Ukrainian government are a bunch of Nazi terrorist thugs. No wonder the Biden’s love doing business with this group of people

Anonymous said...

I would consider any Wagner people in Africa or Syria as fair game. They could be rotated between Africa and Ukraine.

Africa is how Wagner makes its money to fund the war.

You would not have to pay people in Mali to do anything. You merely would have to give them how and where Wagner is deployed in Central African Republic or Mali. they will do better what they have already been doing.

Think Americans are arrogant? Russians have them beat, Russians are arrogant as fck!

fazman said...

I suppose you called the French resistance and good ol simon the nazi hunter a nazi too. Get teal , he's not talking about mum and dad Russians, he's talking legitimate military , political, and propaganda mouth pieces

Anonymous said...

Killing zelinski would be an act of war. Killing Putin would be the same. and any one else in-between. Yes, even uncle Joe
On second thought, leave uncle Joe and Kamala there, Can't screw things up any worse than they can.

and no I do not want nuke war so I do not suggest killing these guys. I am just stating the facts

Anonymous said...

8:13 Russia and Ukraine already are at war and no one should pretend otherwise. My money is on Russia.

Anonymous said...

Former U.S. President Donald Trump had coerced Ukraine and other countries into providing damaging narratives about 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, and giving misinformation relating to Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections caused a political scandal in the United States. Trump enlisted surrogates within and outside his official administration, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr, to pressure Ukraine and other foreign governments to cooperate in supporting conspiracy theories concerning American politics. Trump blocked payment of a congressionally mandated $400 million military aid package to allegedly obtain quid pro quo cooperation from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Trump released the aid after becoming aware of a whistleblower complaint about his activities relating to Ukraine, before the complaint was known by Congress or the public. A number of contacts were established between the White House and the government of Ukraine, culminating in a phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy on July 25, 2019.

Anonymous said...

LOL 9:54 is a globalist mouthpiece and propagandist. "conspiracy theories concerning American politics" indeed!

Anonymous said...

It’s the Ukes who have been targeting Russians for being Russian. They are on a mission of ethnic cleansing and being supported by the west. There is no comparison to the French resistance. Ukraine and co are aggressors, and just because Russia preemptively invaded doesn’t automatically make them the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

THE FAZ loves this guy. This guy makes Ernie Kaltenbrunner look good.

Must be a relative of Yagoda or the Poison Dwarf.

Guys like that are fanatics. Commie fanatics, Capitalist Fanatics, Islamic fanatics, Jewish fanatics, Japanese fanatics. They are all the same.

In another life, This guy would also do well in a Japanese Red Army Faction Cell or ISIS cell chopping off heads.

be careful who you are rooting for.

From what I have seen from the ukies in this weeks flag incident, this current guy, Bucha, tying people up on the street corner and that Doc happy saying they castrate Russian soldiers. You are dealing with a bunch of thugs

No wonder these slavs like to call themselves orcs.

Anonymous said...

Slippery slope back to total war on civilian populations.