Friday, May 19, 2023

Under Intense Pressure From Allies, President Biden Tells G-7 Leaders The U.S. Will Support Effort To Train Ukrainian Pilots On F-16s

US President Joe Biden attends a meeting during the G7 Leaders' Summit in Hiroshima on May 19, 2023. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/Pool via REUTERS

CNN: Biden tells G7 allies the US will support joint F-16 training effort for Ukrainians 

President Joe Biden informed G7 leaders on Friday that the US will support a joint effort with allies and partners to train Ukrainian pilots on fourth generation aircraft, including F-16s, a senior administration official tells CNN.

The training is not expected to happen in the US, the official said, and will likely happen entirely in Europe. But US personnel will participate in the training alongside allies and partners in Europe, the official said. It is expected to take several months to complete and the official said the hope is it will begin “in the coming weeks.” 

The decision marks a stark turnaround for Biden, who said earlier this year that he did not believe that Ukraine needed the F-16s. The decision to support the training initiative came together very quickly, officials said, and was made by Biden following meetings with G7 leaders in Hiroshima, Japan, where the topic of F-16s to Ukraine was a key point of discussion. 

 Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Cannot say that I am surprised. Ukrainian pilots are already in the U.S. training on simulators. 

The next step will be this .... US signals to allies it won't block their export of F-16 jets to Ukraine (CNN). 

Under Intense Pressure From Allies, President Biden Tells G-7 Leaders The U.S. Will Support Effort To Train Ukrainian Pilots On F-16s  

AP sources: Biden endorsed plan to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters; decision on supplying jets to come in months -- AP 

Biden Endorses Plan to Train Ukrainian Pilots on F-16 Fighter Jets -Source -- Reuters 

Biden tells G-7 leaders US will support effort to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16s -- The Hill 

Biden Backs Advanced Jets For Ukraine: W.House Source -- AFP


Anonymous said...

F-16s will appear now or by August. some pilots are already trained of well into the pipeline.

They are happy in Ohio.

Anonymous said...

How effective do we think a pilot with 9 months training is going to be?

Remember that they won’t train existing mig pilots. They only accept fresh recruits or those with only western flight hours. Pilots trained on soviet systems make simple muscle memory mistakes, and visa versa.

Anonymous said...

The Russians lost 5 pilots the other day. Looks like they will have to come up with fresh pilots too.

Nicolas Darkwater said...

This takes time. You can't just transition from a MiG 29 to an F 16. It's a different breed of cat.

fazman said...

Time and again ukranian military have been able to complete training in half the time of the official programmes, once they are stripped of the fat

Anonymous said...


Our Glorious Ukie allies will prevail over every obstacle!!!.

Muscle memory is a crutch!!!

Sleep is a Crutch!!

Training is a Crutch !!

Down with experience AND PROTOCALS!!

Down With certification and viable results!!!

Down with you miserable defeatists who say it cannot be done!!

Our men will over come physics and proven statistical outcomes. We will be ever victorious like our victories at Snake Island , Maripol and now Bakhmut!!

Comrade zelinski is always right. Praise Joe Biden and the glorious LBGTDQ revolution.

We shall ever prevail. Because the will of Commissar FaZMAN cannot be overcome by any proven logic, or faker capitalist, white, monoculture, fraudulent ideas such as:

mathematical fact, historical example or the scientific method.

We all know these discredited ideas are mearly constructs created in order to deceive us all!!!!!.


fazman said...

Again with your illogical bullshit . It doesn't matter what nation , if the training programmes are stripped of bullshit to the necessity, training days are lengthened , and troops are motivated it is done in half the time.
Even a not particularly bright TASS mouthpiece like you has seen the patriot in action .
Guess who manned them ..wait for it..waittttt.ukies lol

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot fazzy. This is an F16, not a m16 rifle or a tank.
The hours needed and traning needed to make a decent pilot are enormous. Simulators are nice but they don't cut it.
You need a hell of alot more experience than just take off, fly and land. That in itself is huge.
They are going to give these guys just enough knowledge to get them killed.

Too bad your not volunteering to go. I am sure you would do just fine.

Anonymous said...

Sure fazzy, I guess you have the rosters of the crews? And most importantly the rosters of the pmc tech's on duty that night?

Anonymous said...

Im for fazman rather than the bunch of Putiten supporters

Anonymous said...


That's right kid, you keep believing the tooth fairy and see where gets you. A whole lot of people swallowed that commie bullshit back in the cold war days too. True believers they were. In the end , all they were left with was a mouth full of dust.

Anonymous said...

who killed jfk