Saturday, May 13, 2023

U.S. Bolstering Its Military Presence In The Middle East After Iran Seized Two Merchant Ships In Recent Weeks

Ensign Gordon Kitchener looks out from the bridge of the guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60), May 9, 2023 in the Arabian Gulf. (US Navy) 

CNN: US bolstering defense posture in the Persian Gulf after Iran seized two merchant ships in recent weeks  

The US will bolster its defensive posture with heightened patrols in the Persian Gulf after destabilizing actions by Iran this past month to interfere with and seize commercial vessels transiting the Strait of Hormuz and other strategic waterways, according to a US National Security Council spokesperson. 

“[The] United States will not allow foreign or regional powers to jeopardize freedom of navigation through the Middle East waterways, including the Strait of Hormuz,” National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told reporters on Friday, adding that there is “simply no justification” for Iranian actions to interfere, harass or attack merchant ships. 

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U.S. Bolstering Its Military Presence In The Middle East After Iran Seized Two Merchant Ships In Recent Weeks  

U.S. 5th Fleet Increasing Patrols in Strait of Hormuz in Response to Iranian Seizures -- USNI News  

US military to bolster defensive posture in Gulf after Iran seizes tankers -- Reuters  

US to Send Reinforcements to Gulf After Iran Ship Threats -- AFP  

U.S. boosts military presence in the Middle East after Iran seizes tankers -- Politico  

US to bolster ‘defensive posture’ in Gulf: White House -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

If the US really wanted to fight Iran they would have done it long ago. This is just window dressing. That having been said the US might still find itself in a major war soon if something happens.

Anonymous said...

As always, the us is reacting instead of acting.

Hans Persson said...

It seems that way yes.. Obviously there's stuff going on that we don't know about, but the optics on the "US" does not paint a pretty picture. It's like the "US" marketing team is high on its own farts.

Anonymous said...

The resistance is strong.

Inshallah, the heroes of the IRGC and Hezbollah will prevail!

Fatso Pompeo's "maximum pressure" has failed completely.

Anonymous said...

No worries, but the resistance is full of idiots.
But the US is even more idiotic that it has backed some of these regimes and movements.

Don't remember do you?

Who backed the removal of the Shah by not supporting him?

Who launched operation TIMBER SYCAMORE?

Who tore apart Lybia by formenting Arab spring?

Last but not least. Who originally trained and supported the mujahadin in Afghanistan?

Like I said..the bigger idiot.

But all men are created equal, right?
All cultures are equal, right?

If it was not for the West, the Arabs would still be living in tents and pissing blood.

Anonymous said...

1:41 The USA will always kill Iranian terrorists and their puppets with great support from the US people, who have never forgotten the vile Iranian takeover of the US Embassy there in 1979, as well as the Munich massacre during the 1972 Olympics. All this and countless other terrorist attacks has made the West realize the Islamic terrorists are like rabid dogs who must be destroyed for the safely of all.

Anonymous said...

The heroes of resistance will use the means at their disposal to fight Western gangster imperialism.

One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Hezbollah and the IRGC defend freedom. Inshallah, they fight to victory!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he slimmed down some.
he is a tool

fazman said...

IRGC ?, not even an iranian imbecile buys your bullshit