Tuesday, May 16, 2023

U.S. Justice Department Orders The IRS To Purge The Entire Team Investigating The Tax Fraud Case Of First Son Hunter Biden

New York Post: IRS removes investigative team from Hunter Biden probe in move whistleblower calls ‘clearly retaliatory’

 WASHINGTON — The IRS on Monday removed the “entire investigative team” from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who recently contacted Congress to allege a cover-up in the case, The Post has learned. 

The purge allegedly was done on the orders of the Justice Department, the whistleblower’s attorneys informed congressional leaders in a letter. 

“Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress. 

He was informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice,” Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt wrote. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: IRS removes ‘entire investigative team’ in Hunter Biden probe, whistleblower claims retaliation: report (FOX News)

Update #2: IRS whistleblower alleges removal of 'entire investigation team' from Hunter Biden probe (USA Today)  

WNU Editor: And it looks like the purge is expanding (see tweet below). To say this is disturbing and chilling is an understatement.


Anonymous said...

Wow WTF??

Anonymous said...

Arrest them, trial them.

OR... or... live in a banana republic.. uhhh difficult choice.

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe I’m reading this. Too much corruption. Where the hell is our military? Don’t they have an obligation to step in when our democracy is under threat like this?

Anonymous said...

Brandon did the same thing with the investigation in Ukraine, did he not? When the law is ignored in faraway gangster states we don't bat much of an eye. You can rationalize and explain it away from a hundred different angles. Though when it's happening right here at home, where nobody is supposedly above the law, it not only damages trust in the institutions but it also damages our global reputation at a time when blocs are forming and each side is racing to court potential allies.

Anonymous said...

WTF did the miserable Kremlin expect, when they helped put sh@theads in power in the USA?

When a company is fined for say polluting, many people complain that the fine is much less than the cost of compliance and not a much of a dint in profits.

Hillary was fined $8,000 for Russian collusion hoax (Steele Report). She could fund that pout of petty cash or petty cash for one little campaign office in Boondocks America. With such small fines and not other legal action of weight, you don't think the Democrats will not do another Russia Hoax, or make up a China Hoax while taking Russian and Chinese cash?

If it is a Trump and Biden match-up Russia could swing it to Trump simply by telling the truth. Like they gave Hunter a bribe via the wife of the mayor of Moscow.

Bert Bert said...

They said Trump would do things like this, but he never did. He maintained his morality and ethics. This behavior is true corruption. The Biden admin should be condemned for this behavior. Something else to investigate.

Anonymous said...

The End is Near!

Anonymous said...

"Sex Tip I Learned From My Dog: When in heat, chase the male until he collapses with exhaustion . . . then jump him!"

- E. Jean Carroll (Trump Accuser"


Anonymous said...

Here is reality gentle reader. If you are a member of the BLOB, one of two things will happen to you.
A. Nothing. Your crimes and misdeeds will be covered up and ignored.
B. You step out of line and make too many waves they will slap you on the wrist. A million dollar fine, ( and your net worth is in the 10s or 100s of millions) with a year on probation or maybe 6 months in a cushy VIP jail.

But if you are a common Joe?
They throw the book at you and you go to prison.
The system is arbitrary and injust. Ley de poncho.

BLOB justice at its best

Anonymous said...

So what are the spineless Republicans going to do about it?

Absolutely nothing!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. This is why the corruption continues and grows. The fall of the United States is inevitable

Anonymous said...

Fredster will keep voting Democrat with a self-satisfied smile on his lips and thinking he is moral.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile there are 80,000 new agents to investigate that lemonade stand your 7 year old son thought he got away with.

Anonymous said...

^ or why you made that $5 donation to the Republican Party, and where you got the money

Anonymous said...

^^Which btw is $5.00 wasted, coulda bought a candy bar instead

Anonymous said...

Unless of course the candybar was made in China, in which case you would have paid only $4 since half the filling is artificially flavored sawdust

Matthew Putnam said...

The democrat boot lickers here are very quiet. We "waited for the evidence", as the parrot hypocrite fascist child Pred Fred and chickens roost in March anon said. All they did was put their nose up and walk away after years of reminding people of how bad the orange man was by posting vox and CNN hyperlinks from trusted radical left wing sources all the time. "Did you forget orange man bad?!"

Dipshits. Boot lickers. Stunted adult children. Hypocrites. Fascists.

Anonymous said...

Militia is rising north America u fools

Anonymous said...

Fund me $
@. lasvagas2023@gmail.com