Sunday, May 21, 2023

U.S. Navy Accelerating Its Life Extensions For Some Ohio-Class Ballistic Missile Submarines Earlier Than Expected

The Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine Wyoming returns to Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in 2014 following routine operations. (MC1 Rex Nelson/U.S. Navy)  

Defense News: US Navy may accelerate investments to extend some Ohio subs’ lives 

STEWART AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, N.Y. — The U.S. Navy may begin investing in life extensions for some Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines earlier than expected, with the service secretary telling a crowd that spending could begin in fiscal 2025. 

The Navy requires at least 10 of these submarines are available for operations at any given time. These ballistic missile submarines lurk in waters around the globe with nuclear missiles onboard, their sole mission being to remain hidden and ready if called upon in a doomsday scenario. 

As a hedge against shortfalls in the 2030s as the Ohio class reaches the end of its life and the Columbia class enters service, the Navy has considered extending select Ohio boats by a few years. In November, submarine community leaders said a decision would be made by FY26 so work could start in FY29.  

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WNU Editor: Talk about a lack of confidence that the new Columbia class submarines will be entering the service on time.

1 comment:

Hans Persson said...

No WNU, it is the total number of subs they want to increase, because of suspiciously looking Chinese people.