Thursday, May 18, 2023

U.S. Not Allowing Ukrainians To Train On F-16s

A US Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon in a training sortie in Germany on September 9, 2015. US Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Jason Robertson/Released 

New York Times: The Latest Flash Point Among Ukraine’s Allies Is Whether to Send F-16s 

A fresh push by Britain and the Netherlands to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter planes has exposed the latest fault line among Western allies who have wrangled repeatedly over sending powerful weapons of war, once again pitting a reluctant United States against some of its closest European partners. 

Several European allies are prepared to give their F-16s to Ukraine. But the Biden administration, which must approve any transfers of the American-made planes, remains unconvinced that Ukraine needs the expensive jets, which are a staple of many modern military arsenals. 

So deep is Washington’s skepticism that Kyiv’s pilots are currently not even allowed to train on the F-16s that are owned by European states, according to a senior Ukrainian official who spoke on condition of anonymity to frankly discuss the sensitive diplomatic issue.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is why the US is skeptical on sending F-16s to Ukraine .... Former F-16 pilot says he would not want to fly missions over Ukraine right now, arguing 'there is no fighting chance' (Insider). 

Update: We may soon see a change in US policy .... Exclusive: U.S. could train Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16s in 4 months (Yahoo News). 

U.S. Not Allowing Ukrainians To Train On F-16s  

US unwilling to see Ukrainian pilots train on F-16 despite Europe’s readiness -- Aerotime  

US does not allow Ukrainian pilots to train on F-16 in Europe – NYT -- Ukrainska Pravda  

Ukrainian official: The US doesn’t allow us to train on the F-16 --  

US blocks European F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots – NYT -- RT


Anonymous said...

or the US is afraid.

One of theses ukie pilots take the aircraft and fly into Russia to surrender it. Could happen...Lots of money to be made.

Then it would be reverse-engineer time, plus all the IFF, signal and radar fun stuff to pick apart, not to mention the avionics.

Anonymous said...

US wants to prolong the war as long as possible. No idea why, but ite pretty obvious.

Anonymous said...


that is another possibility.

fazman said...

Could also hand a Leo or Abram's over also, pretty obvious that these pilots ukranians are patriots especially the ones given f16 will be vetted inside out, about as much chance as a US pilot defecting .

Anonymous said...

US pilots have a lot to come home to....not a good comparison. .

Ukraine is like the old Soviet Union. Not many people want to live there.

A Ukie pilot would be more like a Soviet pilot. In that the ukie pilot would be a guy with dire conditions at home and no real hope for a good future.

Remember belenko? Then that guy with the MiG 29 who went to turkey.

It does happen.

fazman said...

Yeah it does , but l think the patriotism runs high , and only their best will be given these planes.