Sunday, June 18, 2023

Afghanistan Declare Aug 31 A National Holiday To Commemorate The Day The Last US Soldier Left

First Post: Afghanistan declares Aug 31 as national holiday to commemorate US troop withdrawal 

Afghanistan has announced that the country will observe August 31, the day US soldier departed from the country as a National Holiday. 

As stated on the Taliban government’s website, the withdrawal of foreign troops will be celebrated annually on August 31. 

The inaugural festivities were organized last year, with the authorities and supporters of the Taliban marking the first anniversary of the withdrawal. Taliban fighters held a rally on Massoud Square in Kabul, located outside the former US embassy.

On August 31, 2021, just before the withdrawal deadline expired, the final American soldier, US Army Major General Chris Donahue, boarded a military transport plane. This marked the conclusion of a challenging 20-year military campaign that incurred significant costs and resulted in the loss of thousands of lives. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Taliban make US withdrawal anniversary a national holiday (IFP News)  

Update #2: Afghans make US withdrawal anniversary a national holiday (RT)  

WNU Editor: This is a big story in Asia and elsewhere. Zero coverage in the Western press.


Anonymous said...

ok. fine. just do not ask for any foreign aid.

Anonymous said...

And women cheerleaders to put on a big show on tv

Anonymous said...

Independence day was filmed in Afghanistan?

Anonymous said...

es. in black and white. color not allowed

Anonymous said...

Reuters covered that story.My guess is that declared holiday is rather silly and thus not of interest to the MSM. That nation, now pretty much run by the Taliban, is economically in big trouble, remains a land of opium growing, treats its women in a despicable manner. And so the West has left and they are now...what, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Vietnam did the same thing by declaring April 30 a National Holiday after the loser Americans got defeated.

Anonymous said...

Did you know a snail can sleep for three years.

Anonymous said...

do snails dream?
how and when do they pee?

Anonymous said...

August 31st Should definitely be marked as a day of Rememberance for the American people.

NEVER FORGET. The BLOB liars who told you over and over...

"We are winning in Afghanistan"

Anonymous said...

I spent 3 years in Kandahar and a year in Kabul. That place is so depressing and miserable.

Anonymous said...

Been there too, and Iraq, and we both know there are worse places to be in the United States. I grew up across the river from Detroit and id much rather deal with the Taliban than a bunch of armed black Crips after my Nike shoes.

Anonymous said...

Get Adidas

Ron said...

I wonder if it is a big story in other parts of the world because they are happy the 13th century Taliban are large and in charge or is it a big story because what our pull out portends for that part of the world. I suppose some will clap and some will be concerned for their futures.

Anonymous said...

It’s none of our business what they do with their own country, despite how strongly you believe otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I think they were just going to sell minerals and opium.

Anonymous said...

for their income

Anonymous said...

The point is that the US press ignores it like it, currently, refrains from analyzing or criticizing the "war on terror" --because doing that is not part of The Narrative.