Wednesday, June 21, 2023

British-Supplied Challenger 2 Are Seen On The Ukrainian Front Line For The First Time


Daily Mail: British Challenger Two tanks are seen on the Ukrainian front line for the first time as Russian helicopter attacks force Kyiv to 'pause' counter-offensive after at least 20 Western tanks and IFVs were destroyed 

* British Challenger 2 tanks were sent to Ukraine to help with counter attack 

British Challenger 2 tanks have been spotted on the Ukrainian front line for the first time - as Russian helicopter attacks reportedly force Kyiv to pause their counter-offensive after at least 20 Western tanks and IFVs were destroyed. 

A squadron of 14 Challenger 2 tanks, which have a 120mm rifled gun and a 7.62mm machine gun, were gifted by Britain earlier this year as the West continue to show their unwavering support to Ukraine in their fight against Vladimir Putin's invasion. 

The £5m Challenger 2 is designed to attack other tanks and have far greater ranges and accuracy than the Kremlin's equivalent.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: British Challenger 2 tanks seen on Ukraine battlefield for first time (The Telegraph)  

Update #2: British Challenger 2 tanks first seen near the front in Ukraine (Bulgarian Military)  

WNU Editor: I guess depleted uranium shells are now being used.


Anonymous said...

Hope these folks ha e good are support. They will need it
Don't know what they will do about the mines and artillery

Anonymous said...

are =ADA

Anonymous said...

use of depleted uranium should be a war crime. It will poison the country side, where people will have to live. It will slowly kill the land.

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, 20+ vehicles lost is nothing. Let’s not make a big deal out of it.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, 20 vehicles are nothing. Hope you are being sarcastic

Anonymous said...

20+ vehicles that we paid for. Why are we fighting Russia again?

Anonymous said...

Well, to understand anything and the reasons for it, look always at the outcome

If you want to understand a system or a war, look at what it achieves

Putin.. doubled his wealth
The warmongers in the US.. they are doing fine

Everyone else.. well.. if you follow such "leaders" (read_ demons), you will receive demonic outcomes, ie. death, despair, misery

Rid yourself of these demonic "leaders" and you shall be free

fazman said...

Look at kursk , yeah it is nothing in the scheme of war, not all we're western mbt