Saturday, June 17, 2023

German And Russian Media Say The Director Of Ukrainian Intelligence Is In A Coma In A Hospital In Berlin

Director of the Military Intelligence Service of Ukraine Kirill Budanov  

Nova News: "Stern": the director of Ukrainian intelligence is in a coma in a hospital in Berlin  

According to the Russian news agency "RIA Novosti", Kirill Budanov was injured in a rocket attack. The Kiev authorities deny 

The Director of the Military Intelligence Service of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, would be hospitalized in a comatose state in a hospital in Berlin. 

This is what the German newspaper "Stern" reports, quoting anonymous sources from the health facility. According to the German newspaper, Budanov suffered a serious head injury.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Kyiv has responded .... Ukraine spy chief being rushed to German hospital is 'just Putin propaganda' (The Telegraph). 

This is why Director of the Military Intelligence Service of Ukraine Kirill Budanov is a target .... Why Ukraine's 37-year-old intelligence chief is such a prime target for Putin (The Telegraph).

I do not know if the Director of the Military Intelligence Service of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, is dead or injured. But I do know that he has confessed to things that has made him a priority target for Russia .... Kremlin Responds To Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Chief's Threat To Kill Russians Anywhere (May 8, 2023). More here .... Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Chief Admits His Agents Are Targeting Russian Media Figures (May 17, 2023).


Anonymous said...

By his own admission, he is a war criminal. Civilians,especially civilian journalists are non combatants. Not subject to assassination like a military or government official.

If you say otherwise, point out the part of the Geneva convention or Hague commission that permits this action.
Ex judicial killings are considered murder. Like shooting Jews in a ditch.

fazman said...

The list of putins war crimes are far longer

Anonymous said...

Your justifying that man’s war crimes? Shame on you

Anonymous said...

Great Faz. Once again, you are a bright and shining light of morality in a darking world of post modernisation moral relativism.
Geez, have you no back bone?

Anonymous said...

He looks like Yagoda.

Anonymous said...

Show marketing...hahaha stupid ukraine zelenko made in german

Anonymous said...

For there not to be international outrage at his admissions is a SURE sign that the West has lost the plot of the Enlightenment embarrassingly.