Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Is The U.S. President OK?


Federalist: Joe Biden Is Not OK  

There is nothing unique about being a scatterbrained 80-year-old. But a scatterbrained 80-year-old should not be president. 

The other day, Joe Biden ended a big gun-control speech in Connecticut with the words, “God save the queen, man.” Why did the president express adoration for the departed Brit monarch? Was he confused about royal succession? Is he a Sex Pistols fan? Who knows. 

When asked about the incident, White House aides offered nonsensical and conflicting answers — because they have absolutely no idea, and neither does the president. It’s likely that the octogenarian spontaneously used a cool-sounding phrase, much like when your elderly neighbor tells you to “keep on truckin,'” for no apparent reason. It happens. 

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WNU Editor: He may not be OK, but against the current Republican primary leader many Americans will still vote for him .... Biden tops Trump by 4 points in new poll (The Hill).


Anonymous said...

If more Americans genuinely vote for Biden because they think he's the better man, then America is lost. The USA will probably fragment into 2 or 3 countries in years to come given the rate the Democrats are destroying their own country.

Anonymous said...

Ouyr esteemed editor seems hidebound to keep suggesting that Biden is unfit to be president but ignores the fact that the GOP frontrunner as candidate has no fewer than 3 court cases on separate charges confronting him and might well be in jail. Now I have no issue with questioning Biden fitness, though I would prefer that professionals rather than opponents do this. But if Biden is unfit because of age is Trump fit if he is found guilty in any of the indictments and trials he is to face?

Anonymous said...


yeah, like last time.. when Biden pulled crowds smaller than the neighbour's garage sale. I've watched them all.. he almost never broke 1k.

Trump had tens of thousands at every event, in the final stretches he had 4 events on one day, each with 10k+

It was a coup. You gotta be blind not to see what's happening. Your economy and culture and status in the World is destroyed from enemies within.

And there is a reason for why they do it. You just gotta listen to what they say and do, the control grid they establish.

We are living through the last years of democracy in the US, if you believe democrats "win" next time again. It was not a victory, it was a coup and that is also the reason why you are not allowed to talk about it.

While they start to outlaw Christianity- in a Christian country- and label them as terrorists. Hallmarks of a takeover. Because they need to eradicate all authority that competes with the coup leaders, the dictatorial state that is erected all around you. Look at the laws being passed against all objections. Look at the corrupt courts. Look at your borders, your infrastructure. The trillions in debt by senseless wars THEY - together with CNN, Fox news, NYTIMES , WaPo etc talked you into. Many did not know what they did, but obviously some did.

And those, who did this to you should only have one faith in commmon:

Public trial
Public execution

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that tens of millions of dumb, hateful, spiteful Americans will legitimately vote for a near corpse over Trump. The US is on its deathbed, ain’t no bringing it back from the dark place that it is in.

Anonymous said...

Trump pulled crowds: in the past. Not now!
tip: there is only one measure: votes counted at election time.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump issued pardons and commuted dozens of sentences for people incarcerated for drug crimes while he was in the White House.

His administration also hailed the passage of the First Step Act during his presidency as a rare bipartisan achievement towards criminal justice reform.

But during his presidency, and throughout his 2024 campaign for the Republican nomination for president, with a string of violent, provocative statements from inside the White House and to crowds at campaign rallies, he has called for executing people convicted for drug crimes.

In an interview with Fox News

Anonymous said...

11:48 you can't be serious right? No one's above the law right? Please.