Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Mapping The Fallout From The Collapse Of The Kakhovka Nova Dam


Business Insider: Engineers modeled the disastrous flood that would follow a key dam in Ukraine being destroyed. The reality is even worse, they say. 

* Engineers predicted what would happen if Ukraine's Kakhovka Nova dam was breached. 

* The dam was breached for real on Tuesday, and the reality is worse than predicted, one said. 

* Russia and Ukraine are blaming each other for destroying the dam. 

The impact of Tuesday's breach of a major dam in Ukraine is likely worse than outlined in a widely-shared model of the disaster developed last year, engineers said. 

On Tuesday morning, videos of water flooding through a massive breach in the Kakhokva Nova hydroelectric dam in southern Ukraine were widely shared, with Ukraine and Russia blaming each other for the disaster. 

In the wake of the news, animated maps created in October last year by Swedish engineers Dämningsverket have widely recirculated on social media. Read more .... 

Update: Kakhovka Dam Attack: Mapping the Fallout From Ukrainian Strike (Sputnik).  

WNU Editor: It is easily going to take a few weeks before the flood waters start to recede.


Anonymous said...

White water rafting enjoy before it disappears

Anonymous said...

Madness before the stormtroopers attack Moscow

Anonymous said...

Totally kaos agents r 2 take responsibility USA dams are next

fazman said...

Don't think the hauge is big enough to hold putins war crimes trial

Anonymous said...

Seriously oxygen deprived comment.

We both know that you would never want to send any of your sunflower superheroes to stand trial for their "war crimes" (AKA blowing up this dam) so why even bring it up. Your shush commercial said that you're supposed to be hush hush zero-dark-thirty this week.

Blowing up the dam is also a totally valid tactic when fighting a war vs. a superior foe. I don't consider this a war crime and nor did the Allies when they repeatedly targeted dams all throughout WW2. It's silly to clutch pearls about some flooding meanwhile nobody bats an eye as the exact same areas were covered in landmines on an industrial scale. Ukie bots don't care about moral consistency though.