Monday, June 19, 2023

NATO Defense Ministers Agree That Support For Ukraine Will Require More Industrial Production

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg holds a press conference on the day of a meeting of the Alliance defence ministers, in Brussels, Belgium June 14, 2023. REUTERS/Yves Herman  

Politico: Western countries launch a raft of plans to keep up with Ukraine’s weapons needs  

NATO leaders are expected to sign off on a new defense production plan next month. But can industry keep up? 

NATO defense ministers wrapped up two days of meetings in Brussels Friday where they pledged billions more in military aid for Ukraine as Kyiv enters the second week of its long-awaited counteroffensive against Russia. 

At the same time, officials in the U.S. and Europe intensified plans to build more weapons for Ukraine over the long-term while also working to restock their own shelves at home.  

Read more ....  

Update: NATO ministers pledge arms for Ukraine and talk production (DW).  

WNU Editor: Yup. NATO's arsenals are empty .... NATO arsenals ‘empty’ – Stoltenberg (RT).


fazman said...

Nope, they are preparing the long game

Anonymous said...

What industry?

Anonymous said...

When WW2 erupted the bad president Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a choice to make. He had two wars he wanted to fight. He could only fight one and he had to make a choice. He chose to cease war against the American economy and instead to fight the Axis. He chose the latter.

Will the West make the same choice?

Anonymous said...

In other news Russian paratroopers attacked west from Kreminna. They got hit hard like the Germans got hit hard prior to the kick off of Operation Citadel.

It begs the following questions.

* Is the term "seasoned Russian paratrooper" an oxymoron?

* Is the term "Russian paratrooper" an oxymoron?

* Does a meeting of former Russian paratroopers fit into a phone booth?

You can see why Russian information space jobs are so highly desired.

WNU has one.

Hans Persson said...

Wonder how they are going to ramp up anything when Europe's industry vacation starts in July. Good luck changing that without France and countries like that goes out protesting again.

Anonymous said...


"Not too often we hear repeated the same shit the folks"

You were going good and then you got off track.

Herbert Hoover believed in deficit spending to even out cycles. He believed that as far back as 1920 or 1921. He believed in queueing up projects that did not quite meet the threshold in normal times of being built, but with the added benefit of assisting during downturns had a favorable cost benefit ratio. Project like scoping out and doing some planning for a hydro electric site and then shelve it if it did not currently make economic sense so it would be ready to take off the shelf and complete during a downturn.

Hoover might have believed in deficit spending before FDR ever heard about it.

Keynes believed in deficit spending. But he though it should not be deficit spending forever.

So please get Keynes and hoover right.

After WW1 there was a farm recession in the early 1920s. The reason was that during the later stages of WW1 and for a few years afterwards farming production was down in Europe and so prices rose. The cause and effect is quite clear.

Might Ww1 have caused the Great Depression? There is bound to be knock-on effect other than redrawing international boundaries and in demographics.

FDR was a fucking buffoon with a silver spoon stuck in his mouth, when he was born.

When countries around the world met to fix exchange rates and other policy to ameliorate the Depression, FDR acted like he was special like a North Korean Dictator and continually threw the proceeding into an uproar.

Since Churchill broke the Laws of War by transporting ammo on civilian passenger liners, it would be interesting to know if FDR had knowledge of this and did nothing or was a participant. that would make FDR as odious as Wilson if not as racist. Speaking of Race, FDR had so much clout m but a lot of the New Deal programs discriminated against Blacks.

Funny but 8:14 seems like a special Fred post, but for some reason cannot seem to keep in character with all the nuances of Fred's typical exposition. So let us assume that it is a fucking troll who will not fucking complain to google or anyone else, because they are a fucking troll and do not want to blow their cover. so Suck on it!

FDR did not get us out of the Depression. in 1937 and 1938 we had a recession inside a Depression. That must be a first. 4 years into his degeneracy and FDR made it worse.

Now that is special.

Anonymous said...

General Milley's Official Photograph for Pride Month

fazman said...

Where's B poster?, and his Russian and Iranian sleeper cells

Anonymous said...

lol you cannot make this up.. fazman ,the shill who supported government lockdowns and vaccinations and censorship, which did only one thing: hurt you and me , THAT guy is now calling out bposter...

Look fazman.. you are together with Fred the lowest scum on this board. I value bposter 10 fold over your facism and totalitarian approach .. people like you, who pushed a vaccine that did not work and was not properly researched, YOU endagered the majority of the population. you should shut up forever

Anonymous said...

Idiots running things. Build them bunkers boys.

Anonymous said...

Hoover: we had depression. period.
FDR: things got better
WWII: full employment because of war

and now look at the history of the economy, stock market: over and over the market does better when Dems control the nation than when GOP does.


Anonymous said...

stop picking on those who disagree with you!
that is a bad habit you got from Failed Trump

Anonymous said...

If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.

Ed Koch

Reagan(?) said something similar. To paraphrase if you agree with someone on 7 of 10 policies then they are of your party and you should focus on that and not the differences.

So IMO Fazman was wrong on COVID. That is water under the bridge for the time being. I much rather see what Fazman has to say instead of the execrable persona bposter.

bposter may still be here under a different sock puppet name. If the USAF has persona management software since about 2004/2007, might the Russians also have similar software?

Anonymous said...

I read comments link "NATO's arsenals are empty" since the start of this war, almost.

No wonder why I stopped to read this blog like i did before, it's all about "See how the west is doing the bad choise": on some cases i agree, but when they are ALL bade ones I start to doubt about the credibility of this website. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

There is a distinct possibility of ww3 and both the EU/NATO and US and their parrots are constantly telegraphing their latest arms stockpiles are these guys FOR REAL??????COME ON MAN NOW!!@!!!!!

B.Poster said...

I'm neither Russian nor Iranian. Of course you should be aware of this as I've made it very easy for you to verify my true identity. As to where I have been, my work demands and caring for my family have been keeping me busy!!

Anonymous said...

9:50/9:51 looks Freddish (i.e. stupid)

I would recommend the book "The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression" by Amity Schlaes to Fred, but he has such a low lexile score and a dearth of critical thinking ability that I fear it would have no effect.

Funny but 5 years after FDR GDP was -3.3% in 1938. Recession inside of a Depression.

What brought the US out of Depression was WW2. Otherwise the US would have looked a lot like the USSR.

Anonymous said...

I'm neither Russian nor Iranian. I is a sock puppet.

Anonymous said...

I would say that he is now entering stage 4 of dementia (there are seven stages of dementia). I should know. I am taking care of someone who has dementia. The similarities are disturbing.

- WNU FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023

As Biden’s dementia advances, he had to be pulled offstage after stumbling through a teleprompter speech

Mumbler in Chief

Anonymous said...

"Biden and the Democrat establishment continue to insist that he will lead the 2024 Democrat ticket, and that’s enough to keep Gavin Newsom pretending that he isn’t right now campaigning for the nomination. But to the likes of Xi Jinping, who just humiliated Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his just-completed mission to Beijing, Biden’s infirmity may signal a rare opportunity to act boldly before a competent replacement takes over the Oval Office."

Note: Puppet master Obama is not competent.

Anonymous said...

"may signal a rare opportunity to act boldly before a competent replacement takes over the Oval Office."

Buckle up Buttercups

Anonymous said...

I’ve committed by 2020, we will have conserved 30 percent of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over and simultaneously reduce emissions to blunt climate impacts.

- Joe "Where the Fuck Am I" Biden June 19, 2023

Anonymous said...

A rising generation of Republican politicians is more skeptical of the free market and more comfortable using government power to regulate the economy than the party has traditionally been. Consider:

Senator J.D. Vance, the Ohio Republican, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts progressive, have collaborated on a bill to claw back executive pay at failed banks. The two worked through the details through in-person conversations, weekend phone calls and late-night texts.
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has signed a public letter calling for the reinvigoration of collective bargaining and praising the German approach, in which labor unions play a larger role in the economy. Rubio this month published a book, “Decades of Decadence,” that criticizes the past 30 years of globalization.
Senator Todd Young of Indiana has helped write a bipartisan bill to restrict noncompete agreements, which companies use to prevent their employees from leaving for jobs at a competitor.
Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas was among a bipartisan group of lawmakers who began pushing a few years ago for federal subsidies to expand domestic semiconductor manufacturing. President Biden signed a version of the policy last year.

Tomorrow afternoon, these four Republican senators — Cotton, Rubio, Vance and Young — will speak at an event on Capitol Hill that’s meant to highlight the emergence of a populist conservative movement in economics. The event is organized around a policy manifesto, called “Rebuilding American Capitalism: A Handbook for Conservative Policymakers.”

Anonymous said...

Biden stumbles
Trump has trial scheduled for Auguest
(and that is but the beginning since federal charges TRUMP Georgia and NY states charges

Anonymous said...

Praising Germany as it is in the process of imploding.

11:57/11:59 Russian troll or Fred makes no difference. They are dumb as a box of rocks and twice as fugly.