Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Russia Using Kamikaze Tanks Against Ukraine Positions

Daily Mail: Putin's suicide tank attack: Russia packs remote-control tank with six tons of explosives and drives it up to Ukrainian soldiers before detonating it in massive fireball - as counter-offensive is 'paused' 

* Ukraine's much-anticipated counter-offensive has yielded a mixed response 

* Russia's dominance in the air is having a major impact on Ukraine's push 

* Putin also resorting to suicide tanks in a bid to restrict Ukrainian advances 

Russian soldiers are packing tanks with explosives and remotely driving them at Ukrainian trenches and detonating them in a terrifying new tactic. 

It comes as Kyiv is forced to pause its counter-offensive in the south amid heavy losses of Western armoured vehicles, according to the Wall Street Journal. 

New video footage from Donetsk shows a remote-controlled T-54 laden with explosives lumbering towards a Ukrainian trench this week.  

Read more ....  

Update: Russia Uses ‘Suicide Tank’ To Attack Ukrainian Troops; Expert Calls It Outdated, Slow & Highly Vulnerable To Modern Weapons (EurAsian Times)  

WNU Editor: In the above video the explosion was massive, probably killing or wounding a number of Ukrainian soldiers. The experts may call this tactic outdated and slow, but it is having an impact.


RussInSoCal said...

The Ukrainians soldiers fired a missile into the bomb loaded tank.

Anonymous said...

The rocket comes from the patch of trees behind the tank. Whoever fired it probably got liquified.

fazman said...

It killed no one , it hit a mine and then a RPG finished it off

of Prague said...

Your were never in the military , were you faz?

This is an easy one.

Look at the film in slow motion.

1. You see the tank being shot by the RPG.. The RPG smoke trail is visible from the wood line.

2. The tank Explodes

......now the important part

3. The blast wave and fire wall go all the way into the woods.

4. Note the secondary fires and explosion inside the wood line.

Unless the kid who shot the RPG had a deep bunker to dive into , he is dead or severely wounded.

If any body else was in the wood line in a/the defensive, front line trace fox hole. They are probably dead or wounded too.

Anonymous said...

YES !!!

Once again!!!!!

It is a WIN for the FAZMAN RULE!!!

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

🍪 you earned it 👏