Sunday, June 18, 2023

Should The U.S. Give Nuclear Weapons To Ukraine?

Soldiers lay a nuclear warhead in a container on January 4, 1992. Most tactical nuclear weapons were transferred from Ukraine to Russia.  

Michael Rubin, AEI/ Can Biden Deter a Russia Nuclear Attack on Ukraine? Yes, if He Gives Ukraine Tactical Nukes 

Fear of nuclear exchange has long colored White House thinking on Ukraine. 

As Russian troops invaded Ukraine sixteen months ago, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan offered to evacuate Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president rebuffed the offer. “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he responded. 

Even as Ukrainian forces defied the U.S. intelligence estimate, first blunting and then rolling back the Russian Army, fear of how Russian President Vladimir Putin might react led Washington to restrict assistance that could enable Ukraine to quicken its counterassault and save tens of thousands of lives. 

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WNU Editor: Michael Rubin is insane. Giving U.S. nuclear weapons to a regime that Moscow regards is run by Neo-Nazis will result in World War 3. 

But here is the scary part. Michael Rubin is not alone. He is saying out loud what many American think-tanks and foreign policy institutions now feel is a war that must be won regardless of the cost. Even if it may bring us to the brink of nuclear war.


Anonymous said...

If the US does it it will just speed up the conclusion of what’s most likely to happen anyways.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. Lets give nukes to a cocaine fired corrupt crackpot and his cronies who want nothing more that to involve the west in thier little vomit show.

Anonymous said...

It so good I dont live in Russia.

Anonymous said...

Neocon ideologues, they think of this as an ideological struggle against a traditionalist christian country. They believe the problem will not be solved unless Russia is totally destroyed. The progressive Libera cause must go forward no matter what.

Giving nukes to the Ukies is not going to happen.

But this article is great. It shows the determined , fanatical mindset of these crazies. They are serious and insane and most important, they do not care who or how many die. They are a higher level of nut case fanatics of the same ilk and mindset as ANTIFA. As a mayter of fact, they are all part of the same segment of society

Anonymous said...

It is better to think of stop invading a sovereign country than let shit happens if I live in that nation that invades another country I will be totally ashame.

Anonymous said...

sorry We'll=Well

Anonymous said...

Give it ASAP

fazman said...

Russia already has them lol

fazman said...

Russia did no such thing , if the nukes were never handed back thus shit show would never have happened.

Anonymous said...

11:19. Hope you dont live in the USA, because if you do, you got to move.

Anonymous said...

stop the war, no nuclear weapons and live in a peaceful world. Must know how to differentiate between what is better and what is worst.

Anonymous said...

silly post
one guy in a think tank says we could do....that hardly explains policy making decisions.

Anonymous said...

The Biden administration is terrifyingly insane. I pray the world will hold on and not destroy itself before President Trump is reelected in 2024.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. The Rooskies can give nukes to Cuba, Venezuela & Iran.

fazman said...

Mmmm no one has invaded them , and they didn't hand back what they had under the guise of a bogus security guarantee

Anonymous said...

It is a rule of American foreign policy to snub out any "competitors" before they can mount a challenge to US power in any way. Any country acquiring nuclear weapons crosses that line and the Wolfowitz doctrine calls for every single method available to make sure that any government doesn't succeed in acquiring them (and with them the ability to make their own sovereign decisions).

Spoken plainly: providing Kiev with nukes simply allows them to turn around and tell the US to mind it's own business. Thus it's not something the US will ever do.