Sunday, June 18, 2023

Swedish Parliamentary Report Says Russian Attack Cannot Be Ruled Out

CV90 combat vehicles are seen during the Aurora 23 military exercise at Rinkaby firing range outside Kristianstad, Sweden, May 06, 2023. (TT News Agency/Johan Nilsson via Reuters) 

VOA/Reuters: Russian Attack Cannot Be Ruled Out, Says Swedish Parliamentary Report – SVT 

Stockholm — A Swedish parliament defense committee report said a Russian military attack against Sweden cannot be ruled out, Swedish public service broadcaster SVT said on Sunday, citing sources. 

Sweden has been scrambling to bolster its defenses and applied to join NATO last year following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Sweden was invited to apply but Turkey and Hungary are yet to ratify the application. 

The parliamentary report, due to be published on Monday, said that although Russian ground forces were tied up in Ukraine, other types of military attacks against Sweden could not be ruled out, SVT said, citing sources who worked on the report.  

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WNU Editor: This Swedish report was made public to push this .... We're ready to join NATO: Swedish Defense Minister (Kurdistan 24).


Anonymous said...

After all the smack talk about Russia Bering weak and incompetent. Either Sweden is a country of chicken shit cowards or Russia is more bad ass than the west is willing to admit. What says ye

fazman said...

Let the Finns answer that lol

Anonymous said...


Have to admit, you are right. NATO cannot have it both ways.

If the ruskies are idiotic imbeciles, why do you need to be worried about an invasion when they cannot punch thier way out of a wet paper bag??

The whole narrative is crap.

Hans Persson said...
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Hans Persson said...

This narrative is to get more money to the defence budget. This everyone knows if they know anything about Swedish history.

Nobody normal in Sweden thinks the Russians will be coming anytime soon. If the Russians actually thinks they can somehow bypass the Finns just to get to Sweden, then i think the world is already in deep shit and we probably have other stuff to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Sweden was once paradise, until its criminal leadership began to import black and Arab refugees into its nation, putting its native population at risk of rape, robbery and murder. To be honest, Russian oversight Sweden would be preferable to the safety and welfare its people. The Western globalist leadership wants to eliminate the Caucasian race--doesn't everyone see that by now? Russia is the defender of the white race, and no other.

Anonymous said...

I love the white race. It has brought peace equity, fairness, democracy, love, compassion, and tons of other goodies to the non white world.