Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Media In UK Is Sending The Message That Ukraine's Counter-Offensive May Falter

Ukrainian servicemen attend an exercise, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Chernihiv region, Ukraine, May 15. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich  

The Telegraph: Prepare for Ukraine's counter-offensive to falter 

Nato needs to brace itself for the prospect of Ukraine’s counteroffensive failing to achieve major success. Indeed, so far, Kyiv has attained only limited gains. But those who expected a lightning breakthrough were always going to be disappointed. This is not German panzers against Polish horse cavalry, nor is it American shock and awe against demoralised Iraqi forces in antiquated tanks with no air cover. 

Instead, we are seeing something closer to an attritional style of warfare, with attacking forces battering against heavily fortified defences. Current operations are at the stage of reconnaissance-in-force along four separate axes of advance, with Ukrainian units probing Russian positions to identify weak spots that can then be softened up with artillery and exploited by armoured reserve forces. Commandos and partisans are said to be working behind enemy lines to create confusion and disrupt command and control centres. Long range strikes are being used to hit headquarters.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I expect more of these articles in the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable Ukraine has literally lost, when Belarus attacks they won't take it then Russia throws a warhead goodbye half the country, do these lunatics still not understand?78 of the Russian equal language,former Russian territory of the soviet union, genetics and ethnicity of light eyes I come from Russia, because others are Greece and lithuania, flag before had three colors and architecture 89% equal to Russia.

Anonymous said...

faltering is slowing down and not necessarily losing. What does it mean to win or lose in this conflict?

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian Dam Collapsed Due to Controlled Explosion: Report

Anonymous said...

Yep "falter" notice that not failing. Yes some joker said that news coverage was balanced yesterday. This is what I was talking about. There is no balance. Adjectives are positive for the narrative and always negative for thier opposition.

Anonymous said...

some news sources are better ie more reliable than others. Choose the right ones.

Anonymous said...

You lefty loonies didn’t share the same opinion when it was Russia faltering at the beginning of the war