Saturday, June 17, 2023

Ukraine's Counteroffensive Struggling To Counter Russian Air And Artillery Superiority

Ka-52 attack helicopters (Picture: Artem Alexandrovich/Alamy Stock Photo).  

Live Mint/Wall Street Journal: Kyiv Runs Into Russian Air Superiority 

Ukraine said its forces were advancing on several axes in their counteroffensive but were struggling to counter Russian air and artillery superiority hobbling its assaults in the east and south. Now into its second week, Ukraine’s ambitious attempt to take back Russian-occupied land is proving to be a hard slog against dense minefields and well-prepared defenses. 

After Ukraine’s first probing attacks yielded mixed results, its forces have mostly paused their advances in recent days as commanders take stock of the past two weeks and analyze ways to punch through Russian lines without taking huge losses. 

Russia has taken advantage of its superior air power and Kyiv’s limited air defenses to strike Ukrainian armored columns and stop several attacks, destroying some of the sophisticated Western weaponry Ukraine is fielding.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Even Kyiv is saying its troops are battling under Russian “air and artillery superiority” (link here).


Anonymous said...

Kill-Kopters you know

Anonymous said...

The west sent enough manpads over there to shoot down the entirety of the Russian airforce three times over. What gives? Numbers aren’t fitting the reality here. Either these systems are being countered or they are being sold onto the black market, or both.

Anonymous said...

Good observation.

With US/NATO Intel.
With US and NATO Stinger Equivalents

Why are these things even flying?
Are there no AWACS?
Are there no recon, spotters and spys watching Russian air fields air patterns or providing early warning? Are there no early warning radar?

Anonymous said...

The Vitebsk-25 countermeasure system is racking up huge numbers of wins. It's obvious the offensive was never meant to happen under Russian air assets, but the MANPADs that were flooded into the Donbas aren't scoring kills like they were at the start of the war.