Tuesday, June 20, 2023

US Officials Say China Is Planning A New Military Training Facility In Cuba


Politico: China negotiating with Havana about joint military training facility in Cuba 

It’s unclear if Beijing and Havana have already struck a deal, or when one would be completed. 

China and Cuba are in active conversations about creating a new joint military training facility on the island nation 100 miles from the American homeland. 

According to a senior U.S. official, Beijing and Havana are discussing what kind of training would take place at the facility and what the leadership structure would look like. Biden administration officials have brought up these talks with their counterparts in Beijing and Havana. It’s unclear, however, how far along China and Cuba are in their chats about the prospects for a deal, the official said.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: China, Cuba in Talks on New Military Training Site, WSJ Says (Bloomberg)  

Update #2: China Plans a New Military Training Facility in Cuba WSJ (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: I guess Beijing is not listening to US Secretary of State Blinken .... Blinken Says Warned Chinese Leaders About Cuba (AFP).  

Update #3: China is denying these reports .... China Has No Information on Military Training Facility in Cuba (Telesur).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great news, it's about time.