Wednesday, June 21, 2023

U.S. President Biden Calls Chinese President Xi A 'Dictator'

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden Photograph:(Twitter)  

The Guardian/Reuters: Biden calls Chinese president Xi a ‘dictator’ a day after Blinken visit aimed at easing tensions  

US president’s comments come just as two countries seek to dial down intense rivalry 

US president Joe Biden has called Chinese president Xi Jinping a dictator and said Xi was very embarrassed when a Chinese balloon was blown off course over the US earlier this year. 

Biden made the remarks one day after secretary of state Antony Blinken met Xi on a trip to China that was aimed at easing tensions between the two countries. 

“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment in it was he didn’t know it was there,” Biden said at a fundraiser in California on Tuesday.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Do not expect a Biden - Xi summit anytime soon.  

Update: Beijing has responded .... China lashes back as Biden labels Xi a ‘dictator’ (Starits Times). 

 U.S. President Biden Calls Chinese President Xi A 'Dictator'  

Biden labels China’s Xi Jinping a dictator -- Politico  

Biden calls Chinese president a ‘dictator’ -- The Hill  

Biden labels Chinese President Xi a dictator -- CNBC

US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks -- BBC 

Biden calls Chinese President Xi Jinping a dictator -- FOX News  

Biden compares China’s Xi Jinping to ‘dictators’ even as Washington and Beijing work to thaw relations -- CNN  

Biden refers to China's Xi as a dictator -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Strange world when a peacemaker is called dictator, but warmonger is called democratic human rights champion.

Anonymous said...

The dictator vs. the puppet

Anonymous said...

Biden is perfectly correct. Xi has his political opponents arrested. Biden on the other hand.... no wait.....

Anonymous said...

The kettle calling the pot black.. isn't that the expression? Both are dictators. Both censor. Both debank. Both steal. Both commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. Both should be hung publicly to be truly free

Anonymous said...

you dump shit on page and do not know what a dictator is. Trump has already said if reelected he will change constitution but that is just fine with you.

Anonymous said...

Biden is the hand puppet of the DemoPublican (Democrat-Republican) Tweedle-Borg. Xi has a little more autonomy, which makes Biden jealous.

Biden's job is to set up a USA-EU-Japan-India block that will together defeat Ruso-China. The key is breaking India away from it's Non-Aligned politics. Biden will make Ruso-China froth and snarl, maybe even get them to nuke Ukraine, to get that done. It requires a situation so dire that the EU and Japan will act in concert with the US to make it happen, which they really don't want to do.

Seriously, the Russo-Ukraine war is all about ant farms.

Anonymous said...

more shit sans proof...simple dumping of name calling. the usual from world conspiracy: they are all out to get me and take away by Bud Light.

Of Prague said...

This is why American diplomacy is in disarray. There is no consistency or logic in its operation.

That is why the rest of the world distrusts the USA. That and the weaponizing of the dollar with sanctions. The best and brightest are not so bright anymore. More like a burned out light bulb.

Anonymous said...

sorry to tell you but the US is still right up there with its economy and influence and power and science and on and on...think otherwise? tell us who has replaced the US in prominence.

Anonymous said...

You are confused. You can have influence. A mafia strong man has influence. Trust and confidence is an entirely different matter.

That is what the US is lacking.

There is a problem with US intentions, trust worthiness and reliability.

Not my doing , I merely observe.

Anonymous said...

SEOUL—A U.S. missile-defense system in South Korea that has enraged China got a clear path for a full deployment, as tensions flare up between the two countries.

A battery for the American antimissile system called Thaad—short for Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense—was installed more than six years ago in the heart of South Korea on the site of a former golf course. The deployment came during a rise in North Korean weapons provocations. China, North Korea and Russia loudly opposed Thaad as a security threat.

You lads invaded South Korea and so no trust thee.

Anonymous said...

trust and confidence ¿ NATO and US?
the world except for N.Korea and Russia lost confidence when Trump was in office. Trust is back with him gone.

Anonymous said...

No my misguided friend.

The world does not trust us when we have a dementia patient for a leader. We have weaponized the dollar thru sanctions and sowed distrust.
If not why have the Saudi and South Americans started looking at the Chinese for help? It is slowly getting ugly and it is our own fault

Anonymous said...

Biden wanted to change the constitution also, get rid of that pesky 2nd .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump unveils his plans to defund the ‘deep state’