Monday, June 19, 2023

US Secretary Of State Antony Blinken Concludes His Visit To China With A News Conference (Video)


WNU Editor: Here is my take on US Secretary Of State Antony Blinken's visit to China. 

1) The only positive thing that can be said of this trip is that President Xi decided to spend a brief time (and it was very brief) with the US Secretary. 

2) The readout from the meeting that US Secretary Blinken had with the Chinese foreign minister was harsh and brutal. It was basically China telling the U.S. to "wise up". 

3) Economic decoupling was rejected by both sides. 

4) There is a great divide between the two countries on Ukraine, Taiwan, and the West's rule based international order. 

5) No plans for Biden and Xi to meet in the future. 

 6) No Chinese "apology" for buzzing US ships and planes in Asia. 

7) U.S. statements by its leaders in the past few months that war is coming against China is another issue that the Chinese are not happy hearing. All that I can say is that if the US wants better relations with China, talking about war is not going to help. 

8) China is asserting its role as an equal to the U.S..

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