Monday, June 26, 2023

Wagner Group Leader Prigozhin Releases First Message Since The Mutiny


Reuters: 'We Didn't Want to Overthrow Government' - Prigozhin, in First Comments Since Mutiny 

Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said on Monday that a one-day mutiny by his Wagner force had been intended not to overthrow Russia's government but to register a protest over what he said was its ineffectual conduct of the war in Ukraine. 

In his first public comments since ending the mutiny late on Saturday, Prigozhin repeated his frequent claim that Wagner was the most effective fighting force in Russia "and even the world", and that it put to shame the units that Moscow had sent into Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022.  

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Wagner Group Leader Prigozhin Releases First Message Since The Mutiny  

Live: We did not march to topple Putin, says Wagner chief -- BBC  

Live: Prigozhin says mutiny aimed to save Wagner, not overthrow Russian government -- France 24  

Wagner mercenary leader issues defiant audio statement as uncertainty swirls after mutiny -- AP  

Wagner Group's Prigozhin releases 1st message since mutiny -- DW  

Yevgeny Prigozhin says he did not want to overthrow Putin -- The Guardian  

Prigozhin Claims He Wasn’t Trying to Overthrow Putin -- New York Times  

Prigozhin says he's sorry Wagner mercenaries shot down Russian aircraft, but the military might not forgive them for killing its service members -- Insider


Anonymous said...

Dropping the charges to this man says it all no need for explanation.

Anonymous said...

Prigozhin bite off more than he can chewed.